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Everything posted by Raindawg

  1. In future times, when the "sport climbing" era will be seen as a devolution in style and environmental ethics, the clean-up/restoration should begin at Smith Rocks.
  2. Raindawg

    Hebrew thread?

    Classy, dude. I bet you got a whole bunch of jokes about black folk and mexicans you can post here too? Get a clue. shalom, - Dwayner p.s. why am I the first one to point this out?
  3. Clip 'n go!
  4. What? No regrets to Dwayner 'n pope? I suppose one must be selective. Don't go away...sport-climbing will never be the same!!! Besides, Gri-Gri the Clown is desperately seeking work at any and all "gyms"! And, oh yah....Dwayner 'n pope and whoever that guy is in the middle...we say, "Take care of yourself, mister!"
  5. Sport routes in Leavenworth are not to be encouraged. There are hundreds of beautiful trad routes to climb there. Encourage your buddies to invest the time to learn how to climb trad or send them off to that Sport-Wonderland known as Exit 38.
  6. Very professional, not.....to come to a publicly viewed forum portraying yourself as a "mountain guide" and spewing out that you wanted to "knock him" and leaving before you did something regrettful. Really, now! Are you still in high school???? And oh jee wiz! Maybe someday that "old man" will "see the light" and SPORT CLIMB!!!!! Poundin' those bongs probably made a lot less noise than a rap-boltin' jerk with a Hilti. And the "old man" probably went home with his gear, unlike the guy who left his permanent sport-waste affixed to the rock which you so delighted in clipping.
  7. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    There's an expansive industry that feeds it all. The gyms serve as nurseries for the dumbed-down version of "climbing" known as "sport"...large numbers of shoes, harnesses and belay devices are required and sold....and from there, many are introduced to the "rock", where they can apply their SPECIAL NEW SKILLS with the addition of a new rope and a fistfull of quickdraws. (How many are taught ethics in the process??? Probably few if any. How many of them realize that there is a controversy surrounding bolts? Probably few if any.) But the manufacturers love it....the more folks they can persuade to sell-out to the clipping-fields where the learning curve is fast, the rules are slack and the satisfaction is cheap....then the more $$$$ comes your way, a few ($$$) of which can be sent to such organizations as Leave No Trace as a conscience-soothing testament to their "green" aspirations while they promote climbing for the masses on closely-spaced artificial safety-trails. Yee-ha!!! WWGD?
  8. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    It's Chef Boyardee Never....ever.....disrespect "The Chef"!!!!!! The Master himself:
  9. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    "Like shootin' fish in a barrel." No, not really. Go ahead...ask me next time I don't show up at the establishment of your employment. I'm sure you won't miss me....SOLD OUT!
  10. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    Since you're so fond of quoting song lyrics, here's something JUST FOR YOU! courtesy of the OJays: "What they do! They smile in your face All the time they want to take your place The back stabbers (back stabbers)" I tried sport-climbing too....but it made me feel dirty. I thought about it, and decided it was wrong. That's the biggest cop-out yet. The "it's all good [as long as you're having fun]" mantra is a self-centered sell-out. It ain't "all good" and future generations will notice and decry your ambivalency and wished you had taken up wind-surfing or some other relatively non-intrusive activity rather than leaving your thoughtless and long-lasting metallic scent.
  11. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    Now that the main whipping-boy has decided not to respond to the major thugs, he's thoroughly fascinated watching the bullies turn on each other. That's the way it happens but oh how primitive!
  12. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words.... You gotta admire them environmentalist-sport climbers! They just tryin' to help us all out by dumbin' it down for us average folk, so makin' a mess is A.O.K! And here's y'all's favorite apres-work, cerca de Seattle crag...everyone of them BLT sammiches represents a BoLT...because if you call 'em "bolts", THE MAN might be searchin' Google and such and find out that there's DISSENT among the myriads who own rock shoes and call themselves "climbers"! Classy! "Dang, dude! Which one of them does I clip? The one at my nose or the one at my toes????" NOW THAT'S CLIMBIN'!!
  13. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    Adios, terminally vulgar and irrelevant sucka!
  14. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    Dude...you're very needy. Do you really think that responding to your antagonistic posts is my priority? Sorry, I'm working. And on top of that, half of the time you act like you want to be my pal and the other half you're pissing on me. (or more like 1/3rd, 2/3rd's). I ain't got time for the drama and I'm not interesting in playing "the game". So, contact me some other time if you want to be nice. aloha, - don an' a li'l somethin' for you!:
  15. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    Ride the bandwagon, "denalidave". Take the low road. I've added you to the list....done with you. (Congratulations for being in the midst of "distinguished company". And look what you've won!:
  16. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    wtf? seriously, are you insane, as ivan says? you ARE a grave-robber: you go and dig up people's remains and cart them off for your own purposes ("well-published" author, teaching, etc). you rilly think the egyptians would be down with your gig? cuckoo, cuckoo. Get siked about sport-climbing and forget about the dead bodies, willya? :lmao: :lmao: - done with you
  17. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    wtf? seriously, are you insane, as ivan says? you ARE a grave-robber: you go and dig up people's remains and cart them off for your own purposes ("well-published" author, teaching, etc). you rilly think the egyptians would be down with your gig? cuckoo, cuckoo. Get siked about sport-climbing and forget about the dead bodies, willya? - done with you...
  18. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    but the thing is, you are a lunatic - it's kinda hard to defend the crazy, no? my example, should you actually care to read this, is the exact quote of mine you took above - "grave robber" - the post you took that from literally said your profession was not in question, that i and others in fact actually understand and respect the profession of archaeology (an anecdote i omitted in that thread, but now add - my favorite arch professor was a guy named Jim Deetz - his shit about the meaning of house shapes in the se usa was a bit beyond me, but man he was captivating to listen to - my favorite trick of his, one i've longed to reproduce as a teacher but am sadly restricted from was this; he'd often do an entire lecture w/ a cig in his mouth, talking non-stop, w/ a match in his hand - often he'd light the match and threaten the smoke, but never once did he light it - it was fucking mesmerizing and he was a lively and personable and fascinating archeologist and teacher and i can't see an iota of him in you so quit hiding behind him, you phd-wannabe-troglodyte!) You talk like that and teach school children????? I never met Deetz but I'm aware of his work...you were probably lucky to have him as a professor. I ain't Deetz and I'm not hiding behind him...I not even sure what that means. Is that some sort of insult??? I wouldn't be able to pick him out in a crowd and I don't even know if he's still alive. I've got my own gig and I do quite well. Ph.D.-wannabee? I've had mine for 21 years now, how 'bout you? I suggest you drop it, and if you want to talk about sport/trad/clean climbing, address the topic like so many haven't. And speakin' of professors with cigarettes, I knew a philosophy professor who always had a cigarette in his hand and occasionally tried to write on the chalk board with it or would accidentally put a piece of chalk in his mouth. Good stuff. When the students would bitch about him smoking in class, he'd say, "how do you like my cologne? It's called L'eau du Marlboro."
  19. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

  20. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    Set the rules, moderator...establish the boundaries...make an announcement. And while you're at it, you might want to add something about why it's apparently O.K. to ridicule my profession, e.g. call me a "grave robber", on a climbing web-site. "Dude....it's spray, man....anything goes!" Maybe you should get rid of "Spray" altogether, but then there would be no place to dump the ethics "discussions".
  21. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    No man...when it's about climbing, it's fair game...when it comes to one's personal life, it shouldn't be on the table. Look, gramps woke up from his nap! Hey Super-Youngster with all them new-fangled thoughtless persectives on climbing! We'd discuss this all on the summit of Rainier...if you could get there.
  22. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    No man...when it's about climbing, it's fair game...when it comes to one's personal life, it shouldn't be on the table.
  23. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    Wook who woke up on the gwumpy side of the bed this morning, Mr. Mister! I think widdle Justin needs a little coffee himself! Yes you do, sunshine!
  24. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    Don't overdo it li'l bulldog! It's gettin' extreme around here! Run along....go on....git now!
  25. Raindawg

    Sport vs Trad

    Wow, it's Jesus Christ incarnate. Don't shoot the messenger, everyone, he's just telling us the TRUTH! It's up to us to choose between good and evil. So do your converts stay at your Guyanan plantation full time or part time? Scared of IDEAS??? Reject them if you want! You act as if you're being forced to accept them. Don't even want to read this stuff because it's just so darn annoying????? Easy solution! You see the name "Raindawg" attached to the post...scroll on by! buh by!
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