First off, sorry man. Back injuries suck and they slow you down for quite a while.
I tore three discs in my lower back several years ago when training for Ironman. Following the injury, I had severe sciatica going down my left leg that made it difficult to sleep and sit. I went to PT for several months, after which I was able to run, bike, and swim again. I never had problems climbing once the initial tears healed, however I had to be careful not to strain it by moving quickly (no skiing, or anything else that jerked my back around). The key for me was doing PT and stretching. It was not something that got better overnight, it took several months before I was back to normal. My injury turned out to be related to tight hamstrings, causing me to compensate in my lower back, leading to bulging discs, and finally torn discs. After getting some flexibility back in my hamstrings, I was able to go on as normal. PM me if you want to chat more.
I think you mean Chiro-QUACK-tor. Don't waste your time and money by going to a chiropractor. They are not medical doctors, they will simply provide you with a really expensive backrub (and no happy ending!) Find yourself a nice PT, and get to work on getting better.