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Everything posted by mountainmatt

  1. I have a nice new set of cobras and I am looking to try my hand at dry tooling this year. However, I don't want to destroy my new picks. Does anyone have some old picks they are looking to get rid of?
  2. You are right, that movie is totally screwed up and basically doesn't make any sense.
  3. Get your pluckers out and play with your balls...
  4. That movie sucks! But it is definitely bizarre. How about Gummo?
  5. Drowning by numbers. Strange movie, yet fun to watch.
  6. I replace my harness often, and this still sketches me out. I am thinking that I may start adding a little back up loop on my harness that I can replace from time to time. Better safe...
  7. The question here is who is looking out for the UW rock? I assure the DOT could give a shit, and I bet UW doesn't really care about it either. They have the indoor facility that they can regulate the entry to. The outdoor wall is easily accessed by anyone at anytime. I am sure UW would like to get rid of this liability nightmare. That raises the question again, who is looking out for the UW rock?
  8. I agree with tradclimbguy, we really need to look into alternative designs. But all honesty, do you really think that we can move it? Expecting to see the 10-lane option soon.
  9. That is the saddest thing I have ever heard. What makes America a great place is the ability to say what you think. If you disagree with someone, why not try and have a well thought out arguement with them. You are just plain sad man.
  10. More info from ESPN of all places: http://sports.espn.go.com/sports/news/story?id=2638842
  11. Nice outing Stewart. I bet you wish I was there, packing too mcuh stuff as usual It seems that the mice like to follow you in the Olypics. Next time, pack a warmer bag, some extra water, and a mouse trap Sorry I couldn't come along for the fun.
  12. More info from Rock and Ice: http://www.rockandice.com/pages.php?action=shownewsdetail&newsId=101&pno=0
  13. mountainmatt

    Jury duty

    You will have an easier time getting out if you can get a hint of what the case is about. For example, traffic accident, suggest that you always side with the insurance company because most accidents are made up. Basically you want one of the lawyers to see you as so biased that it would be stupid to keep you around.
  14. That really, really sucks! Todd was one of my heros when I started climbing. His positive influence on the sport will be sorely missed. Condolences to family and friends.
  15. That route looks sick! Look at all of those monodigits! You must be a really strong climber Oly!
  16. Nice outing and TR Wow! You can shoot lasers from your fingers!
  17. http://members.surfeu.fi/kklaine/primebear.html
  18. A 60m line will connect to the ground from the top of pitch two if you count rope stretch. Another way to do it might be to redirect the rope on the way down (by placing a peice at the top of pitch one before the route traverses to the anchors). This would allow the rope to end at the top of the little 5.0 free section that starts the C2 on pitch one. This way you don't have to rely on rope stretch. For other info, check the TRs, OlyMtnBoy and I were just up there a few weeks ago. PM with any other questions. Have fun up there!
  19. I think when most people go searching through youtube, they are not putting "animal sex" in the search. Way to think outside the box.
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