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Everything posted by mountainmatt

  1. Damn, that fuckin' sucks! Condolences to the family and friends.
  2. Bump. No one has anything I can use this weekend? I would prefer to not have to cut trees down with my pocket knife.
  3. I am looking to head up to Darrington this weekend and I would like to clear out the remaining trees blocking the road to the 3 O'clock trailhead. Does anyone have a good saw or a chainsaw that I could borrow for the weekend?
  4. Nice work guys Looks like a nice route with a classic Beckey approach Glad the rock didn't take you down the slabs there Tim
  5. Sweet! Way to get on it It must have been pretty fun to walk in the 50-60mph gusts How was the snow up top?
  6. Way to go on the road block! There are probably about 5-10 more trees until you hit 3 O'clock TH. There is a HUGE pile of trees there to go further up towards Green Giant Buttress and other walls. Not sure about the deadfall left on the road to Exfoliation dome though...
  7. Hey Eiji, Great seeing you guys out there as well! Sorry about the ice, but we all lost when that really big one came down from above (my left elbow is nice and swollen from a softball of ice). We have a few pics of you guys, PM me if you want them. There were only two teams on it, but about 100 people on the east ridge!
  8. Did the route on Sunday (5/31/09) and its still in pretty good shape. The warm temperatures definitely make it a little sketchier, but the ice is still there and takes good screws. Go get some!
  9. Nice work up there! Its always great to see pictures of the valley
  10. Looks like a sweet trip guys! Don't you think you were sewing up that anchor a little bit?
  11. Sweet! Looks like you guys had a great time up there. Thanks for all the shots of the conditions on various peaks
  12. For those of you interested in climbing the $8000 route Eurpora, that is closed as well.
  13. Headed up on Sunday to climb Silent running with my friend Martha. Approach: It takes an additional 50-60 minutes to get to the 3 O'clock parking lot (which will get easier as more snow melts). The trail to the base of 3 O'clock is in pretty good shape with only a little snow at the end. Martha and I cleared all of the trees from the road that we could move without a chainsaw on the hike out, but there are at least 5 that require a saw or multiple people to move. There is also one large rock that will require a couple of people to move it. Route: The first half of pitch 1 is totally under snow. Since there is little gear here, we just cruised up to the first belay and started from there. The rest of the route is dry with pitch 7 being a bit mossy. Such a fun route! The tree / avalanche that blocks the road (it will take a lot of sun or a ton of shoveling to clear it) Walking the snowy road Trees blocking the road beyond the 3 O'clock parking lot Base of silent running Exfoliation dome is melting out nicely
  14. Absolutely Kevino! Props to Caldwell and company I was down there recently and watched them working on some of the higher pitches (it snowed later that afternoon). They were definitely adding bolts to a large featureless slab up high...
  15. I just always go with the split it rule. Whether its poorly placed, you are bailing, etc. You are partners on the route together, so I figure its a 50:50 kinda thing. But Ivan is right, its always better to discuss these things over
  16. Looks like they made it a little harder / more expensive to stay in Squamish this summer... http://www.mountainproject.com/v/pacific_northwest/squamish_chief_camping/106425374
  17. Depends on how well you and your partner can swim Under these conditions you should just go cragging.
  18. Awesome photos and TR! Nice trip for sure You didn't like Otto's route though? I thought it was pretty fun (especially the top out).
  19. Just plain ol' awesome man! Makes me want to save up for a trip up there next year
  20. Was the road to that point passable by a normal car or do you need high clearance? Not that much, maybe another 10 minutes or so?
  21. I tend to agree with you eric8. Another example is the fifth force.
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