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Everything posted by ZimZam

  1. Party like a rock star! HB Hokie.
  2. ZimZam


    Herman needs a $5.00 ft. long.
  3. Congrats John and thanks for all your wonderful pics throughout these last few years. Ordering my copy in a few moments. What an asset you've been for us also.
  4. What ZimZam really wants: If that's your grape he'd be holding up, then by all means, Oui.
  5. What a way to close out your twenties.
  6. This is exactly what I mean. How long before they call in the NG. Oh wait, they can't. They're all in Iraqistan. [video:youtube]
  7. He is an idiot. What he (they) don't understand is these folks aren't going away. It is going to escalate. Yea Winter's coming and things will slow down, but come Spring it will be an entirely new ball game, especially if things haven't improved for the 99%. Hunger, frustration, hopelessness are catalysts for rioting. It happened in the 60's all over the country, LA in 92, and North Africa and Britian in the 21st century. All it is gonna take is one overzealous frustrated cop with a baton, mace, or Tazer. What I find hilarious is that Democrats are voicing their support for the protests. They're just as oblivious as the counterparts. Feinstein/Pelosi are just as fucked up as Boner/Cunter. Cities aflame. You read it here first. burn baby burn. disco inferno
  8. Watching the protest on Wall Street I saw the elitist taunting the demonstrators by drinking champagne in crystal flutes, and in Chicago some douchenozzle put up a 1% sign in the Mercantile. After seeing this "let them eat cake" attitude, I am all in favor of those who say...
  9. Well that sucks. Take care of that man. You'll be up and going soon enough.
  10. Well they may have to revert back to the old fashion method. Get ready to be inserted AK. A virus has infected America's drone fleet, Wired's Noah Shachtman reports. It logs every keystroke operators type from their base in Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, but that hasn't halted their missions. Though the military hasn't found any incidents of the virus sending information to an outside source, they haven't been able to get rid of it. Shachtman explains: "We keep wiping it off, and it keeps coming back," says a source familiar with the network infection, one of three that told Danger Room about the virus. "We think it's benign. But we just don't know." Military network security specialists aren't sure whether the virus and its so-called "keylogger" payload were introduced intentionally or by accident; it may be a common piece of malware that just happened to make its way into these sensitive networks. The specialists don't know exactly how far the virus has spread. But they’re sure that the infection has hit both classified and unclassified machines at Creech. The U.S. has increasingly relied on drones to carry out the war on terror in Afghanistan in recent years. Al Qaeda YouTube preacher Anwar al-Awlaki was killed last month by a drone strike in Yemen.
  11. Two summers ago a Denver area climber was soloing the Diamond and fell. He was standing on Broadway at the time. Friends of mine were watching him, and then he just fell. Off Broadway, unfortunate.
  12. Kevin. Do you think this is Gorbachev in a turban?
  13. An appellate court ruled in favor of building the damn things. Well there's always sabotage. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-15208574
  14. These bears taste best
  15. I'm alright Jack. Keep your hands off of my stack.
  16. It's all hocus pocus at this point, but it looks like the PNW is in for some light and fluffy pow this winter.
  17. Bummer.
  18. While Prince wants to party like it's 1999. These people are gonna start partying like it's Chicago 1968.
  19. I think Herman Munster needs his brain back. Paula Prentiss
  20. He was waiting for you to catch some salmon before he charged. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUeQTcbfss0
  21. ZimZam

    CC.com Turns 11

  22. Out There Does it still exist? Is self-reliance a thing of the past?
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