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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. What?! Are you saying that debating the legality of burning our country's flag is NOT the most important issue for our esteemed senate to spend its time on? Say it ain't so. Oh, and Happy Dominion Day!
  2. And wash yer backs, while yer at it, you crazy Canucks. Oh, Canada!
  3. Actually, this is the Climber's Board, not Spray.
  4. What planet?
  5. This is a fallacy. My house is the hottest planet in the universe.
  6. OK, so I knit and do cross-stitch. I'm such a fucking nerd.
  7. I climbed it in early August several years back, considerably on the late side of the season. It was mixed snow and rock, class 2-3 most places, about two class 4 moves. We did not rope up ascending, nor rappel down. There was only one spot that was a little uncomfortable--the only time I've ever completely lost contact with the rock--but I just slid down, my body wrapped around a rock outcropping. Just dropped about a foot, and then connected with the rock again. I'd say, since conditions vary, see what it looks like when you get to the base of the pyramid, and discuss with your partner(s) what makes the most sense. If you're proficient scramblers, likely you won't need to rope up, or down. Go up there prepared, and see what it's like. Most likely a scramble up and down will suffice. HTH, and have a great climb. P.S. Watch for the weather. Both times I climb/tried to climb the mountain, we went up in perfect sunny weather, then a storm moved in very quickly early morning, when we were getting ready to go up. I've decided that if I ever go back, I will place wands, no matter the forecast. We had a hell of a time getting back to camp, the second time, when we did summit, and a cloud rolled in, clouds rolling and tumbling toward you, out of the blue, at the speed of a train. A truly amazing and memorable phenomena to observe. I've only seen it on Shuksan, both times I've been up there.
  8. knotzen

    Pirate Event!

    Your pirate name is: Black Ethel Rackham Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
  9. This fits the category of dumb non-climbing accidents: a friend of mine and I were walking out of a bar in Mukilteo. There was a slight slope from the doorway to the sidewalk. She didn't notice, fell, and broke her arm. I had to drive her to the ER at, like, 1:00 in the morning. And miss last call.
  10. knotzen


    Happy shaggin' birthday, you GD canuck. Or pseudo birthday. Whatever.
  11. Dude, get well and back to normal soon! At *least* by Rope-up.
  12. I've done Hood overnight, carried an overnight pack straight up the boringest 3,000 feet elevation I've ever walked. One in our group opted to ride the ski lift. Others in our group derided him. One guy wouldn't even walk on the patio at the ski chalet where we stopped to have a food and water break, because it would compromise the alpine quality of the climb for him. (Um, .) We all drive as high up on the mountain as we can. Is there some ethical distinction between driving as high as we can, and using other mechanized means to take us higher? A true hard-person would start their trek at the base of the mountain.
  13. Happy birthday to you You live in a zoo You look like a monkey And you smell like one, too Cheers!
  14. knotzen

    Pub Club

    But, but, but...there *can't* be a Pub Club. It's not Tuesday!
  15. Pool and a BEAR!? Shit, what am I missing? Damn. I've always wanted to see a bear up close. But, you know, sort of from a distance, too.
  16. Darn! I'm not going to be in Ballard tonight, like I had planned. If somebunny sends a limo to pick me up on the Eastside, hell, yeah, I'll be there. Yeah, that's it, a limo. Otherwise, fuck me, I'm a lame no-show. Damn, wish I was closer to Sea-town.
  17. knotzen

    New Thread

    Don't worry, you'll get over it. Hang in there.
  18. Finally! The perfect recipe for dehydration.
  19. 5144 Ballard Ave. N.W., Seattle (206) 781-8023 http://570bars.com/blog/archives/001832.html
  20. Yeah, I've been there and it's good, but there hasn't been a pc there. Lock and Keel ain't so bad. I could drink something there.
  21. Who hacked into their Web site?!?
  22. if your hands are at home, how are you typing? with your nose? Hoo boy.
  23. knotzen

    Bizarre PMs

    Bizarre PMs are fun!
  24. knotzen

    Bizarre PMs

    P.S. I love it when Muffy comes around!! She's way
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