I hate it when a cashier puts my receipt at the bottom of a pile of bills and hands it back to me. I mean, come on! I put my bills in my wallet, and the receipt either in the bag or in my purse. There's always another customer behind me who's in a big-ass hurry, so I have to stuff the whole pile in my wallet. And the receipt is always too big and I can't zip the thing shut.
It also chaps my hide when a cashier asks if I want gum in my purse or in the bag. Just put it in the bag and get on with things. I have to unload the entire contents of the bag when I get home anyway.
Oh! More cashier peeve: I hate it when a cashier asks what I'm up to today. Um, I'm going to my grandfather's funeral. Leave me alone, already!
Those are my pet peeves. Have a great day!