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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. knotzen


    Oh, yeah? Well, fuck you, too.
  2. knotzen


    elephant leaks, paisley, rustic dinosaur, Aruba, and a Garmin cell
  3. knotzen


    Because they have too much time on their hands and have no ambition.
  4. knotzen

    Pop Psychology

    Headaches make me mad. Hey, you're right!
  5. knotzen

    Pop Psychology

    That's Pop Nutrition, not Pop Psychology. Although it could qualify as Pop Pop Psychology.
  6. And I thought it was common knowledge that this trick gets you in trouble sometimes? I didn't say it was a good trick.
  7. knotzen

    Pop Psychology

    Diet Mountain Dew makes me confident, like I can take on the world...and win. Yeah! Oh, and snowboard real good. Diet Coke makes me feel slim and stylish, Hollywoody-like; sometimes athletic. Now, Diet Pepsi is what my parents drink, and there's a whole lot of baggage associated with that, ifyouknowwhatimean, so I don't even go there. It's an emotional mindfield. I mean minefield. Diet 7-UP, eh, makes me feel like useless wimp. Tell me, how does pop make you feel?
  8. I thought it was common knowledge that women say "no" when they really mean "yes"? 8D
  9. Nah. He'd be a mix of KK and kevbone.
  10. knotzen

    my nose hurts

    This seems a natural point to segue into fisting, but I'll leave that to somebody else.
  11. Hey, thanks. I've been trying to find those pics on Google.
  12. Dude, welcome home, and welcome back to civvy life. May your dreams be of good times climbing, and the future.
  13. knotzen


    I am an expert in nothing. Please feel free to ask questions; I will help in any way I can. However, pleased be warned that nothing will come of it.
  14. Jesus Frank Christ, but this site has gone downhill lately.
  15. knotzen

    It has arrived

    Don't you just?
  16. They starting to droop a little, but theys hangin'.
  17. There goes the neighborhood.
  18. knotzen

    Seattle Sucks

    Oh, thanks for the subliminal suggestion. Now I have to go to the store to buy a bottle of wine.
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