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Everything posted by Cobra_Commander

  1. Yes, if you are unfortunate enough to use livewires you should spit a few times before you start each pitch so you're on an even playing field. Better yet, take a dump, it's like at least 10 livewires.
  2. yes, helmets on at the bridge people.
  3. Be sure to wear the right outfit
  4. That shit beats out anything posted on cc.com! TGR can deliver the goods sometimes
  5. what makes you think it's a he? I don't see a ding dong
  6. that hot sacrificial virgin in the middle has no clothes on.
  7. that is a ludicrous parking arrangement on the top of that building.
  8. They have already been making down-payments with do-nothing gold ribbons and country music songs.
  9. haHAH brought someone out of the woodwork
  10. I have found some interesting propositions this way, good tip! Unfortunately I have found many of these offers have some catches.
  11. Cobra_Commander


  12. I heart american idol with every part of my body (even my peepee)
  13. Come on, someone answer "Jizzard's" question seriously so I don't look like such a jerk.
  14. My Brown Eye: Not the Winker, the Stinker classic dyno scene in this one. some additional ice footage from last year at Ouray too.
  15. Airtight Granny
  16. E-Three the Extra Testicle
  17. Indiana Joan and the Black Hole of Mammoo
  18. Cobra_Commander

    Rest Day

    I think Smith is at too low an elevation for a burkshard. I was referring to it in verb form, which has a different connotation.
  19. It's like deciphering james joyce translated by e.e. cummings
  20. that is disturbing
  21. Witty and original! And refreshingly free of spelling errors!
  22. I bet he has cooties too. What a girlie girl.
  23. HAHA! YEAH! you called that guy a girl!
  24. trust me being from washington doesn't stop the flow
  25. and jarjar in a nightie
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