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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Like I said "And now its clear none of you know any more than I do"
  2. Thanks. I am clueless about LAW, suppose you all went to law school and know why this all happened. I do know WHAT happened, just not clear on WHY. And now its clear none of you know any more than I do.
  3. damages for what? I mean he was aquitted. How could he be sued. For what? go crawl back under your rock, nOOb Sorry, I thought you were able to carry on a conversation. I was wrong. Anybody else know anything about law? How could OJ be responsible for the deaths? How could he be sued (and lose) a wrongful death suit? Assuming he did not do it (which is crap) how could he be held responsible and pay 35 mil? What up?
  4. damages for what? I mean he was aquitted. How could he be sued. For what?
  5. You've been selected at random by the American Societal Specialists in Proctology to receive a colonoscopy. Would you please video this?
  6. Climb hood? Sounds like climbing to me. Definition of climbing: to ascend!
  7. There you go talking about ass's again.
  8. kevbone


    Pink! What a sissy color! Now red, now that’s a color! You know, like a red Camelot!
  9. Ok, but its alot more fun, spraying in public. Sorry Dechisto! Just having some fun.
  10. and I bet you enjoyed your ass crack being spread apart.
  11. Dechristo did not post on an hourly basis? MMM…. Maybe the day before he/she registered?
  12. OK, let’s talk about the cables. Do you respect first accents above all else. I do. I give it up for the FA, EVEN IF I DON’T AGREE WITH IT. They got there first. Well if you do respect the FA, the piss off with the attitude about taking the cables out. Maybe we should take the bolts out of snake dike too! Or better yet, all the bolts on El Cap. Including the anchors. The cable route on the back of Half Dome was put up sometime around the turn of the century. I would say that gives the right to keep it the way it is. Respect who came before you!
  13. Anyone actually get to see the "Shipley show"? I did once, that man was funny.
  14. Let's see, given a choice between a night stick to the head or groin and a Taser, I'd take the Taser. Given a choice between having someone kneel on me so I can't breathe, I'd take the Taser. Given the choice between a bullet to the heart or a Taser, I'd take the Taser every time. I believe the choices here were: 1. night stick to the head or 2. groin and taser I'll take #2 with pleasure you would take a nightstick in your groin with pleasure?
  15. Minx, you still giving good belay?
  16. My plan all along, Mr. "I jump from thread to thread"
  17. hey asswerked...why don't you piss off? My folks went up those in their 60's and it was a thriller, now you are saying that they have to be fit enough to rockclimb? Big newsflash to you, climbers are waaaaaay in the minority...i mean wwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaay in the minority... just the fact that there have been very few accidents relative to the numbers that have used them warrants them... again, piss off, elitist prick... You tell em RU
  18. kevbone


    Chick on chick, cool!
  19. Oh yeah. When a women shows her underwear, like that pic ( like the one on the left). ITS SOOOOOO SEXY! LOVE IT.
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