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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. What would it take for you nay says to believe there is no Al Qeada? Obama annoucing it? Seriously?
  2. thats cool....keep your head in the sand.
  3. [video:youtube] I find this interesting. Of course the nay sayers and sprayers will pounce on this simply because I am the one posting. 3....2....1....go.
  4. kevbone

    No power

    Obviously? Really how so?
  5. kevbone

    No power

    You can make this stuff up. WTC?
  6. Awesome event. Glad to have had my children there.
  7. kevbone

    Debunk this.

    Spray is especially good today. Thank god I am right all the time.
  8. kevbone

    Debunk this.

    Yeah but my story sounds alot better dont ya think?
  9. kevbone

    Debunk this.

    You have a PhD? Hard to imagine that with over 40,000 posts.....
  10. kevbone

    Debunk this.

    Please show me another incident in aviation history where a huge plane hit a skyscraper and brought it down. You wont be able to because it has never happened. In the 60's a jumbo jet hit the Empire State Building causing massive damage....yet the building (of lesser design) did not fall.....mmmmmmmm???????? I suppose next you are going to tell me that JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald......hahahahahahaha
  11. kevbone

    Debunk this.

    Lets just keep it at that shall we..... Ivan. Alot of folks have noticed fishy stuff. Hence all the push back on the official story.
  12. kevbone

    Debunk this.

    Love the comedy folks but let us keep the conversation on things we can actually see. Just a thought.
  13. kevbone

    Debunk this.

    Bill. I do recommend watching the video I posted. These guys have masters in chemisty and engineering and are way smarter in these areas then we are. They did a ton of actual tests on melting steel. They could not get the steel to waver any more than 3 inches but the actuall report of what happened states the steel wavered up to 40 inches. Second they state that it is actually impossible to have a building fall at free fall speed when it is pancaking. The only explination for this would be explosives. Watch it. Very interesting and pokes alot of holes in the official story.
  14. kevbone

    Debunk this.

    Hahahaha! You didn't even read it. !!! That's OK, I didn't read yours either! (google) LOL! Wrong. I did read it. Every word.
  15. kevbone

    Debunk this.

    Hardly. I always know what to expect from this crowd. Thank god I speak fluent sarcasm.
  16. kevbone

    Debunk this.

    Very interesting.
  17. kevbone

    Debunk this.

    Instead on focusing on me....why not try to comment on the video. These guys are allot smarter than you and I.....please try to comment on that.
  18. kevbone

    Debunk this.

    Good luck. [video:youtube] Wake up!
  19. kevbone

    Sarah's a Racist?

    She does have sex appeal
  20. I am bringing my family. Just glad to be in the outdoors with them......
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