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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    When were we ever a democracy? Ironically enough, you provide a case in point for an argument against democracy. Weird, right? It's cc.com. Nothing is weird.
  2. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    When were we ever a democracy?
  3. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    Its not that you cant trust it....its just you believe what you want to believe. Just like TV and the news.
  4. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    I guess you didn't actually read any of the links I posted. Read them all. Does not change my mind.
  5. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    Thank God I speak fluent sarcasm. And I mean plane. Not plain.
  6. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    I am not claiming anything. Only poking holes in the story. Please show me another example of a plain incinerating upon impact. Any other plain. Ever in the history of flight. You wont be able to because it has never happened. Apparently this plain hitting the pentagon is on at least 5 other cameras. But the FBI was on the scene in minutes to confiscate them. If they wanted to prove this happened the way they said then why not show the world these tapes?
  7. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    That video has been debunked Yeah....after being tortured. I am just trying to find the truth. I dont believe our government and you tell me I am pissing on the graves? That is like saying if I dont support the troops then I dont support the war. BULLSHIT! I watched in horror as those planes hit the buildings. We are not questioning if these people died. But who was BEHIND it. Please keep on topic.....
  8. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    Your photo-shopped photo against my youtube. [video:youtube]
  9. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    What evidence? Pictures found on the web is evidence. How do you know any of that is real? Are you real? Is Beacon Rock real? Come on guys.....grab your tinfoil hats and meet us out there....
  10. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    We are all followers. We are all cattle being marched to slaughter. I simply do not believe the status quo.....and you make fun of me for it. does not change what I believe. Just like I am not able to change what you believe. Can we have a group hug now?
  11. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    Spoken like a true......follower.
  12. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    Some guy wanted a Slurpee.
  13. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    Spoken like a true American/ sheep.
  14. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    Still waiting for evidence and or proof of that OBL was behind 9/11. Or better yet....proof that a plain hit the Pentagon? Pictures....links....anything.
  15. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    How do you know time never ends? Prove it! 5000 years of war..... Done
  16. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    Easy. At least 20 people on this board have met me and shook my hand. I could drive to your house and say hi. But nobody on here can even come close to saying that about Jesus/ Santa Clause or heaven forbid OBL. got anything else?
  17. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    So funny how when you guys cant answer....your answers fall to comedy.
  18. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    Now your getting it. Please prove OBL was behind 9/11. Now be both know you will not be able too.
  19. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    That is not what I meant. I meant how did we get to this topic of the moon? The same way we got to the topic of Jesus. My point......millions of people believe it this guys and he never existed. IMO. So it is so hard to believe that the media got millions to believe in OBL?
  20. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    That is not what I meant. I meant how did we get to this topic of the moon?
  21. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    Lets take this to the new level. I know that none of you were around when Jesus died right? But millions upon millions believe this to be true. Please tell me the difference.
  22. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    I've never been on the moon, and neither have you, so how do you know it's NOT made of green cheese??? Answer me that! Your information is no better than mine. How did we get to the moon? I thought we were talking about 9/11. Keep on track Mr. ADD
  23. kevbone

    RIP 9/11

    What makes you think that I think that our government was behind it? I dont have all the answers just like you dont. Where is your evidence that corroborates what we were all told? You and I were not on those planes....so really neither of us know shit. Am I supposed to believe the news? They are nothing more than unofficial wing of the government. They tell us what they are told to tell us. Am I supposed to believe the CIA which is notorious for lying twisting shit around. I think not. You and I got our information from the same place. We were both told what to believe. You from your boss / military and me from the paper / web/ news. At the end of the day....you will believe what you want and I what I want. IMO there are way too many holes to what we were told to be true to actually be true. The biggest evidence that I have is 10 years of war, thousands dead and huge sums of money for oil and contracts. All the other shit is a smoke screen for that. OBL was a patsy. IMO. Since you have never met him and neither have I.....your information is no better than mine.
  24. this will no doubt come as a shock to your many cc.com supporters More of an expectation I would assume.
  25. Planning on heading out to Beacon on Thursday.
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