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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. There is a ban on heroin and cocaine.....that seems to be working out pretty well eh? Or how about drinking and driving...did you know that is illegal too.
  2. You guys keep talking about defending yourself's? But from whom? The guy breaking into your basement? Or getting car jacked? This is all fine and good and I support this but what about the bigger picture? The entire point of the right to bear arms is not put in place so you can go kill deer. It is put there so when the government starts doing things that are fascist and tyranical the "people" can have a chance in stopping it. The current government is so hopping the country gets behind the movement to ban machine guns......disarm the people is the first step.
  3. There are handguns and there are handguns. Folks have a right to defend themselves, and I think there's a way to accommodate that right w/o owning semi-automatic pistols with large volume magazine clips. Unless you are defending yourself from our own government.
  4. Its been a while. Anybody have any new pics?
  5. Maybe they can repeal the first one too......
  6. If they ban machine guns....then what are the people going to use to fight off the military when it comes to full blown civil war? Or to take back our government from the fascist pigs which is why the second amendment exists? The military gets machine guns....why not us?
  7. Not looking so good with the weather for a moonlight climb.
  8. Yep. The plan is to give it a shot.
  9. My heart goes out to the victims. I cant even begin to imagine what this is like for the parents of the little kids that are now not coming home for Christmas. Makes me want to run to my school and take my kids out and hold them tight.
  10. Yes Steve thanks for posting. I miss Beacon. If the weather permits (yeah right) will try for a full moon accent.
  11. How dare you write that. You probably dont support the troops either.
  12. No, we should definitely keep letting crazy people and criminals buy guns, freely. Freedumb! You clearly dont get my point.
  13. Someone said that if we outlaw guns then it would fix the problem.....sweet, we should outlaw heroin and cocaine as well.
  14. http://www.reuters.com/news/pictures/slideshow?articleId=USRTR3BKQG#a=9
  15. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/12/14/us-connecticut-towns-idUSBRE8BD0U120121214
  16. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/12/14/police-respond-to-shooting-at-connecticut-elementary-school/ My heart goes out to the families and friends of these people. So sad.
  17. kevbone

    Justice at last

    I saw them a couple of years back. I think there music is fair but they rocked live. Slash is an amazing musician.
  18. kevbone

    Justice at last

    Never was any doubt.
  19. kevbone

    Justice at last

    Clearly you know nothing of music.
  20. We sure are. Thanks for all your efforts Kenny!
  21. Welcome to the Couv......you should check out the Source climbing gym in downtown Vancouver. You might find a partner via that place....the owners are awesome and the gym is first class. Come on down...I will be there climbing on Thurs night around 7 pm. Please introduce yourself and climb with us. Kevin
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