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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Ah....two of the biggest trouble makers and name callers.
  2. Thanks Rob for your honesty. Does anyone else what to take the challenge to buck up and give me your opinion on what you think happened? Or are we going back to more childish play?
  3. I AM STILL WAITING FOR YOUR ANSWER! WHY ARENT YOU ANSWERING MY QUESTION? No I do no believe OBL was behind 9/11 and yes I believe his dead now.
  4. Thank you for proving my point Pat. I count 4 personal attacks in your post. I am asking for an honest answer and you attack me. Why dont you practice what you preach my friend. And I do own my own posts.....read above. Do you personally belive that OBL was the mastermind behind 9/11? Try to answer this if you have the courage.
  5. I will ask you as well. I put myself out there so I expect to be thrown under the bus....none of you seem to "put themselves out there"....come on now folks and buck up. Why am I the only one who has the balls to voice my own serious opinion on this matter? The rest of you are like school children who dont get along. A bunch of thugs you are. If you dont agree with me you simply call me names. How fucking childish. I will ask again. Rob... do you beleive that OBL was the mastermind behind 9/11. Yes or no.
  6. Kevbone, you don't have to know the answer to something to know what things *aren't* the answer. Just because I can't prove what caused life doesn't mean it must have been the tooth fairy. Get it? Please tell me what you believe? Be honest now.....matter of fact...I dare you to give an honest answer. Do you think OBL was behind 9/11? Yes or no.
  7. So if it is all a lie....then what is the truth? That OBL was behind it all? Even with no proof? come on man.....wake up slave.
  8. Not sure why it is not letting me post it directly......
  9. [video:youtube] Watch and learn boys.....
  10. kevbone

    Climate Change

    Am I supposed to care that you have a hard time with me?
  11. kevbone

    Climate Change

    Well the New World Order will take care of that problem......
  12. kevbone

    Climate Change

    Like there is a difference between the right and left these days. The right will promote it and the left will sign it into law.. Go Ron Paul! dont believe me.....just watch for it. It has already happened. NDAA.....
  13. kevbone

    Climate Change

    My own eyes. Don't believe everything you see. See with my own eyes....or seen on TV? Like you.
  14. kevbone

    Climate Change

    Like there is a difference between the right and left these days. The right will promote it and the left will sign it into law..
  15. kevbone

    Climate Change

    I believe it to be very real....however the right wing has people believing it is a huge hoax.
  16. kevbone

    Climate Change

    OMG....you believe in Sasquatch.....hahahahahah
  17. That is a compliment. Thanks!
  18. kevbone


    Bukaroo....dont try to aurgue with some of these folks on here. They think fact is what you see on the corporate media outlets/TV. They believe what ever is put infront of there eyes. Like OBL was killed by us last last year.....even if there is no proof.
  19. kevbone


    Perfect you brought this up. Facts seem to become more and more fuzzy these days depending on where you get your facts from. Fact checking has become a joke in todays interweb world.
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