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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Last day for Beacon before the rain....see you after 4..... Dod's link up maybe.
  2. Texas leads in new development. LOL A school district in Texas came under fire earlier this year when it announced that it would require students to wear microchip-embedded ID cards at all times. Now, students who refuse to be monitored say they are feeling the repercussions. Welcome to the New World......
  3. Actually it does matter. like Donini said some time ago: "style matters". Climbing is a type of sport, where we don't have a bunch of referees watching what we really do. So honest reporting is a key. It used to be a golden standard, where after a writeup in Mountain Magazine, there used to be a 3 sentence summary. Now it's blogs and reporting garbage, where the reporting party will always claim "we were misunderstood". This leads to bullshit ascents, like "Golden Lunacy" in Greenland by Kaszlikowski and Kubarska in 2007. The description in magazines (Alpinist, AAJ) made it sound like a fucking unreal epic. The team travelled 80 km by sea kayaks with all the gear and then climbed 2000m route (1500 vertical terrain) on one of the largest cliffs on the planet. The route was graded 5.11d, with a lot of climbing in 5.10 range.This was the report they submitted. But there were enough inconsistencies to trigger Polish Climbing Federation investigation. They actually send a team to repeat the route. First of all, there was no 80 km kayak odyssey. They chartered a boat and used sea kayaks to cross a 2 km bay to the base of the climb. The climb was indeed almost 2 km, but the crux was not 11d, but more like 10b/c, and the whole route had only 5 real pitches of climbing- the rest was low 5th class, which was either soloed or simul-climbed by the repeating party. No so big epic after all. In the era of instant media, satellite phones, internet and blogs, we have more Maestries and fewer Doninis. I think pointing out liars is all we have left. Agreed.
  4. Not really. It is fun but a little awkward.
  5. Its not about me guys.
  6. From Yosemite Ledge you have three choices. On your right is the last pitch of Jill's Thrill. In the middle is Crazy Horse and on your left is Sundance. Guide book gives it 5.9.
  7. Its all bullshit. How can these two guys debate the economy without talking about the inherent flaws that are built in. Nothing will ever change when you have a private company (fed reserve) be able to add and take away value on our money. Until the Fed Reserve goes down in flames we will not stop going rapidly towards the cliff of financial destruction. These two clowns stand up there yapping away purposing band aids to fix certain things but never purpose actual fixing the root of the problems.
  8. Crusin (love that climb) to complete Jill's (one pitch to Yosy ledge)....then sundance (always awkward, but fun). Then unrope and solo off the complete ridge. Wow.....the weather has been so perfect for climbing. Gonna ride this wave until it ends. Going to smith for three days at the end of the month.
  9. Too busy with your own debate, eh? Sammy or Dave - who won, boner? LOL
  10. Because two clowns were debating the economy. Thats why.
  11. Hell of a debate last night eh? Thank god I did not watch it.
  12. Going to Beacon tomorrow. Yeah! Maybe do Boltless Warrior. Maybe Jills Thrill......
  13. Bummer for him. It has always astonished me how many pro climbers dont wear a helmet. Seems like such a simple thing. You would never see NASCAR racers not wearing there seat belts.
  14. kevbone


    Your kidding right? Not a total disaster yet? Come on....... Over 5 thousand american troops dead over a lie. over a million innocent Iraq's displaced from there homes over a lie. 2 billion spent on this occupation A WEEK over years that is unpaid for over a lie. Not a total disaster? hahahahahahahaha
  15. I had a hard time believing that Maggie and I had almost the entire place to ourselves. It should have been packed with such incredible climbing weather....but no. One party on YW and nobody else. Amazing place that Beacon.
  16. Climbed the corner with my wife while grandma watched the kiddos Super great climbing weather
  17. You need to know nothing is as it seems.
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