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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. I think the hill would work better.
  2. Common sense is not a vaccine?
  3. Climbed at the Ozone yesterday. Super windy and cold....but it was sunny. Got on: Dirty Jugs Carrots for Everyone Chain Mail High Plains Drifter Ripper All the climbs were very dry and totally awesome. Also climbed with my old friend Marc Farra whom I have not climbed with in over 10 years. "There is not such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing"
  4. kevbone

    Gun Control

    you do understand an m60 is a machine gun, yes? and that you said, if the gov gets machine guns (m60s), then the people get them (m60s) too? did the english language suddenly pull the carpet out under both of us? Hardly......quote me right or dont at all. I know it is hard to understand that....lay of the weed man......
  5. kevbone

    Gun Control

    call 911 immediately dood, i think you may have just suffered a stroke Ivan....come on man. Your quoting me as saying everyone gets M-60's. I never said that.....at least quote me right.
  6. kevbone

    Gun Control

    says the man who thinks everybody should be able to have an m-60 When did I say that?
  7. kevbone

    Gun Control

    And we should be able to buy biological and chemical weapons and nukes at Wal-Mart. Got to keep the guvment in check. Let’s keep the discussion in reality shall we......
  8. kevbone

    Gun Control

    If the military gets machine guns then we the people get them too.....nuff said.
  9. kevbone

    Gun Control

    Never heard it before. Pretty funny.....
  10. kevbone

    Gun Control

    If you are for gun control, then you are not against guns, because the guns will be needed to disarm people. So it’s not that you are anti-gun. You’ll need the police’s guns to take away other people’s guns. So you’re very Pro-Gun, you just believe that only the Government (which is, of course, so reliable, honest, moral and virtuous…) should be allowed to have guns. There is no such thing as gun control. There is only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small, political elite and their minions.
  11. Yes, I absolutely think this is a hoax. I'm just surprised he didn't find a way to blame this on the terrorists, If it was a hoax then it is safe to assume why? Gun control. therefore terrorists (our government) is behind it right?
  12. I made this claim first, in the sandy thread. I WIN!~ Only difference is....I am not making this claim. yet Wait.....you think it is a hoax?
  13. I made this claim first, in the sandy thread. I WIN!~ Only difference is....I am not making this claim.
  14. "The Obama administration perpetrated the hoax, the conspiracy theorists claim, in order to ratchet up support for tougher gun control measures"
  15. Say that ten times as fast as you can....... Kevbone Kevbone Kevbone Kevbone Kevbone Kevbone Kevbone Kevbone Kevbone Kevbone That that that that that that that that that that
  16. Say that ten times as fast as you can.......
  17. kevbone


    I have a bridge to sell you.
  18. kevbone


    Seriously. Then there's people like you that want the government to do everything then whine because there are taxes on everything to pay for all the goodies. People like me? Please find any post of mine where I clearly state I want government to do everything?
  19. kevbone


    Keep dreaming bro......I voted.
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