So who created this tragedy?
Uh, OBL...
First of all, thank you for your service. It is much appreciated.
I guess I am not a very good American. Because I don't believe what we were told to believe. I did not just roll over and say ah. Maybe because I have something called "critical thinking". We really need to distinguish the difference between catching those responsible and invading Iraq. One has nothing to do with the other. I understand Hussen was a bad guy.....but that is not why we went in there.
War = profit for the rich. And what better way to get our people pissed off at someone is to be attacked. And you have to have a bad guy, so why not OBL. Most main stream media reports what they are told to report. What makes them more credible than a smaller local media outlet?
The ball is not in my court. There is still not one shred of evidence that OBL had anything to do with 9/11. Some youtube video of "him" stating he did it. That even does not look like him. And he was wearing jewelry which is forbidden for him to wear. Other than that lame video....what evidence is there?
there are way too many "coincidences" for this to be how the government told us how it went down.
I don't believe it. And no matter how many times you try to make fun of me on here that will never change that.
I have always said. We all get our information from the same sources.....TV, Web, Paper, Friend, Radio and at that end of the day, you will believe what you want to believe.
I dont make fun of you for believing what you were told to believe. Even though it makes you look like cattle/ sheep.