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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Hard to imagine that.
  2. Just heard from him. He is OK. He works one block from there.
  3. http://www.katu.com/ My brother in law works in downtown Boston. I have not heard from him yet.
  4. That’s awesome. I bet the birds flourished while no pedestrians were allowed that close to the nest.
  5. How come most people do not wear helmets when sport climbing? But do when trad climbing?
  6. Pretty sweet. How come he is not wearing a helmet?
  7. You actually climb? Who knew........
  8. This is where I realized this must be a joke.
  9. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Matter of fact it took longer to scramble off then to climb the first three pitches. Super long day and a great adventure. Thanks for all the beta.
  11. That is funny! Well done!
  12. kevbone

    Shot or Jail?

    Who the hell knows what the motivation here is? Total craziness. The couple actually stating they still think they are great parents and parented the only way they know how.
  13. Too cold is in your head. I have hiked down the trail in the snow and still climbed all day. "There is no such thing as bad weather.....just bad clothing"
  14. kevbone

    Shot or Jail?

    Oh, man. That will keep you awake at night. Jobs like that - cops, criminal lawyers - you probably get a very skewed view of humanity. Yep. My wife does not talk about her day to day work activities much but when its in the paper and on the news its hard not too......
  15. kevbone

    Shot or Jail?

    Yes they do. My wife represented the adopted children. She had to get up and read a statement written by the 16 male twin. She told me there was not a dry eye in the court. Including the judge. Crazy.
  16. kevbone

    Shot or Jail?

    http://www.columbian.com/news/2013/mar/20/vancouver-couple/ I dont believe in the death sentence....but in this case a 38 cent bullet to head would do. See if anyone notices a certain name in the report.
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