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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. I have replace several anchors in my time and never once did I remove the old anchor. Simply added a new one that is safe. Just saying.......
  2. Awesome picturs......thanks for sharing.
  3. kevbone

    Trip Reports

    I will....however it is still raining from time to time today....so we have to drive out and see what happens. when you get back, post a trip report with pictures If I do it will be in spray where it belongs.
  4. kevbone

    Trip Reports

    I will....however it is still raining from time to time today....so we have to drive out and see what happens.
  5. kevbone

    Trip Reports

    I think i get it now.....I dont believe what you believe and I am dumb as a post? Sound right.....because that is what you are saying. Nice....hilarious. You sound like a republican and Fox news all wrapped in one.
  6. kevbone

    Trip Reports

    You would know.
  7. kevbone

    Trip Reports

    No need for "getting through to me".....I am fine. Seriously.....should I count how many times other posters have insulted me on this thread alone? You talk about derailing the core objective of this site. Maybe you should look in a mirror and reflect on you. I have no problem with me and what I believe. I also have no problem with others and what they believe. But you allow so much name calling and insults it’s unreal at times. Oh well….. I am not mainstream….so I guess that sets me apart. I am fine with that. Apparently nobody else is……that makes you (as in all the kevbone haters) not look so great. I know some folks who have been turned off by this site simply because of all the insults that have been allowed. And not just to me. I also know that just typing this and saying is means nothing to this group of haters. No biggie…..life goes on. I am out. Going climbing.
  8. kevbone

    Trip Reports

    Man....we agree on something.
  9. kevbone

    Trip Reports

    Just speak for you and you alone. And I get what Porter was trying to do.....obviously did not work.
  10. kevbone

    Trip Reports

    Pretty much involves people laughing at how dumb you are. Not sure I'd be bragging about that. Nice....once again, if you think my threads are dumb. That is all you bro.....
  11. kevbone

    Trip Reports

    See.....my threads are good fun.
  12. kevbone

    Trip Reports

    The passive aggressive is stating that I am a good guitar player and father but am a jerk online. Funny….me too….. I am calling you out now. I think you need to look at some other folks here who are A LOT more aggressive than I to…… as you put it “fuck with the core mission of this site”. I am small potatoes compared to some. I need not name them I think you know who they are. And I still think trip reports without pictures are lame (but that is just me). And BTW going climbing at the zone on Thursday night. Hope to see some locals out there. Love that place.
  13. kevbone

    Trip Reports

    God Damn.....love the passive aggressive. That is even better than Rob can do…..Nice….. So sorry you don’t appreciate my humor and comments. But that has nothing to do with me. That’s all you brother. Like many times before, I have hook, lined and sinked another troll (just like countless pointless spray posts by KKK and Trash about whatever) for you to spend time demeaning me and slamming me for my opinion. I would think people get turned off on this site simply because of the amount of favoritism and personal insults that goes on here. I think you will find that I do not insult or call people names EVER HERE. Not my style……yet some folks here lay out the personal insults daily, yet I am the bad guy. So easy to just simply have a bad guy isn’t it? So easy for you eh? Someone posts something that other people disagree with and they get buried up to their eyeballs in insults (see above for proof).
  14. kevbone

    Trip Reports

    Gosh....thanks for the back up Ivan. But I will hold my ground. Trip reports that leave it up to my own imagination are lame as can be. And just like your comments to me (other posters)….if you don’t like my spray…..move the fuck on. Don’t read it or comment…..just move on. Its easy to do. I do it all the time with Ivans Trip Reports, which I enjoy very much as long as there are pictures to view. And yes….I don’t read Ivans trip reports because I have a hard time reading his writing. Its not really English….not to slam him, I know a lot of you like his writing. I just don’t. And for some reason, Ivan has been placed on a very tall pedestal on cc.com. I even mention a small disapproval even in the nicest way and I get a pm from a moderator ******WARNING ME******** to watch out!!!! Ivan is GOD on cc.com And as far as my contribution to cc.com. One has to post a trip report to contribute? When did that happen? I have personally contributed to thousands of posts from all of you who comment back to my spray. That in itself is contribution………YEAH!!!!!!
  15. kevbone

    Trip Reports

    Without pictures are lame.
  16. I am neither for nor against it. But I do find it funny how conservatives preach about keeping government out of our lives....yet are for government placing additives into our water.
  17. I just think it is an interesting topic.
  18. I live in Vancouver......and oh do tell....what happened?
  19. So I take it with the feed back here that most of this board is for the use of Fluoride being put into our water?
  20. I believe it is up to the parents to teach their children about brushing their teeth. Not the governement.
  21. I dont think it is up for an aurguement that it does or does not prevent tooth decay. The question is should the government force it on you?
  22. Are you implying that Fluoride is dangerous?
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