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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. What is the big deal? http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/feeding/fluoride_water.html I would think most conservatives would be against the government forcing you to intake a substance such as Fluoride. You know....since they are for a smaller government. And it is up to the parents to help with the dental hygiene of their children....not the government. But Lars and his right leaning cronies are totally for this.....what have we come too.....
  2. Before this devolves, IB is in the wilderness - the USGS maps (at the time) showed an incorrect boundary. That was part of the controversy. I hear you....but regardless of what the or any map says.....10 miles off I-90 and a 45 minute approach (only because it is steep) is not very wilderness to me.
  3. Nice.....cant wait to get on it. Who bolted it?
  4. I dont think we need to worry about hand drills vs machines.....who the hell is going to carry a Bosch 20 pound drill into the wilderness......
  5. I might have done it....lol. Jim and I did Genesis then jugged a line he had place the week before. Then continued to climb a third pitch. Then the spikes up to RR.
  6. Anybody have an update of the progress. Seems it should have been open for climbing and such a couple of years ago. Thanks!
  7. http://www.accessfund.org/site/apps/nlnet/content2.aspx?c=tmL5KhNWLrH&b=7903133&ct=13134839&notoc=1 About time. After decades of work, the Access Fund received notice yesterday from National Park Service (NPS) that the agency has issued final national policy authorizing fixed anchors in wilderness. This policy—Director's Order #41—affects many of the country's most important climbing areas such as Yosemite, Grand Teton, Zion, Joshua Tree, and Canyonlands National Parks. The NPS included many of the specific provisions Access Fund advocated for during our 20+ years of work on this issue, such as programmatic authorizations (which allow new bolts by zone, not just case-by-case permitting for individual routes/bolts) and interim fixed anchor permitting prior to the establishment of dedicated climbing management plans. We are still analyzing the new policy, but first impressions are that this direction is good for both wilderness climbers and NPS managers
  8. Bummer. I injured my right shoulder a few months back. Have not been the same since. I hope you heal quick. I dont know what you are talking about. Care to share, so I can get up there and help keep is clean? Ivan mentioned the spike route. I have done this. But the second pitch we jugged because NO other routes had been done then. It was 2003 and Jim and I had just done the FA of Genesis. Then jugged up a rope he had put there. Then climbed up the spike route to Rancho. I have wanted to get back out there because other bolted routes have gone in to the right of genesis that go all the way to the spike route. I am assuming you are talking about this correct? Thanks
  9. Has the anchor been upgraded? Last time I did it it was shit.
  10. Always. Cant wait to go climb the Boltess Warrior again this summer......
  11. I disagree. Commenting on his spray about when how much he posts everytime he thinks about climbing is not bitching about it. IMO. His relentless journal is no different than people posting pictures on FB of the salad they are about to eat. That is of course my opinion and probably different than yours. Thats cool.... What is a Beatard anyway? Is that some sort of "cool" way of say Beacon Rock climber? Just asking....... I love the pictures though.....keep em coming. Just less writing. It is hard to read jibberish.....LOL. Ivan knows this is not personal. LOL
  12. Dude....are you going to bitch everytime someone goes climbing and you don't? reminder: this is cascadeclimbers NOT cascadebitchers Who is bitching?
  13. Dude....are you going to spray on here every time you go climbing? All year? Can you write it down in a journal or something? Just asking.........
  14. One at the Drop Zone as well......
  15. Are you talking about Ripper? Or the Opdyke crack?
  16. I climbed it once with Jim several years ago. Fun for an outing as long as the real climbing on the south side is closed. The ledge is Rancho Relaxo.....
  17. What the hell is Iron Spike?
  18. Hilarious. That could be said about any climbing crag.
  19. How very sad. This of course is not the fault of the gun. Obviously the partents were to blame.
  20. What is your favorite climb at the Ozone?
  21. Beacon, the best climbing in Oregon.....and its in Washington.
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