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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. kevbone

    Gun Control

    You too need to get a room and screw.
  2. How does one fall on a bolt ladder?
  3. I think the point is if I were to get out and move all the rocks out of the way I would never have made it climbing. I would be working on the road the entire day.
  4. I tried driving my 97 minivan up the road. Large rocks blocked my path and I ended up breaking one of my shocks on a rock and leaked out all of the fluid. The drive home to Portland was interesting to say the least. I would say having something with clearance would be preferable.
  5. Its a fun little crag and there are a couple of 5.8's and 9 here or there but agreed with Crimper that mostly 10's. There is one stellar 11.b off-finger crack. Its on the first wall you come to and is very obvious. It alone is worth the hike and drive. If you have a 4 wheel drive (or something with clearance) you can drive all the way to the end of the road. If not you will hike all of the road. Good summer crag. Never gets sun.
  6. This last summer was my best Beacon summer since my son was born in 06. Since I choose to be home most of the time because I love and care for my family I have not been to Beacon more than once or twice a season. This summer I made it to Beacon 8 times. 9 more than last year. We did Young Warrior 2 times and Boltless Warrior once. Which IMO is the only way to climb this amazing line. Dod's Jam went down twice. Blownout once. Jill's thrill a couple of times (love that line). Of course the SE corner was climbed multiple times even at midnight during a ledge gathering. Beacon is such a special place for so many reasons. Mostly because of the other climbers that frequent the wall. But the biggest thanks goes to Jim. You rock my old friend and thanks for being in my life. I have known Jim since 1993 long before I ever climbed. You have been such an inspiration to me for such a long time. I will miss you South Face of Beacon. I can still dream……..
  7. Bye bye south face of beacon. We have lost you again to bureaucracy.
  8. Dont respond.......dont....dont.....
  9. kevbone

    Fucking republicans

    Agreed. One of these it not like the other. Agreed
  10. Not sure but is goes back to when I was on the ski team in high school in 88. I know one kid on the bus yelled out on purpose while driving through. He broke his leg that night.
  11. kevbone

    Gun Control

    Right back at you brother.
  12. kevbone

    Gun Control

    Voluntary.....for now maybe. Please watch the full video [video:youtube] Jesus Feck. You are a moterator here. And you have to resort to name calling......
  13. kevbone

    Gun Control

    Sure as long as they inform them that you are not all knowing.
  14. kevbone

    Gun Control

    Isnt it funny that I dont own a gun yet support the sec amendment. That makes me a true liberal. I support something that I would never do myself. Like prostitution and drugs. Where a republican will not support something therefore you dont get to do it too......
  15. kevbone

    Gun Control

    Voluntary.....for now maybe. Do you even own any guns? No. Why does that matter?
  16. kevbone

    Gun Control

    Voluntary.....for now maybe.
  17. kevbone

    Gun Control

    Thats right. Which part?
  18. kevbone

    Gun Control

    Which part dont you agree with? If you are for gun control, then you are not against guns, because the guns will be needed to disarm people. Do you really think people will just hand over all of their firearms? Really? It will come to a fight. You’ll need the police’s guns to take away other people’s guns. See above There is no such thing as gun control. There is only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small, political elite and their minions. BINGO So which part don’t you agree with?
  19. hahahaha.....and you make fun of me for not believing our government about 9/11. Nutjob baby.
  20. kevbone

    Gun Control

    Which part dont you agree with?
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