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Everything posted by underworld

  1. underworld


    yes, but I don't have a sound card at work. i bet you would if you lived/worked in france
  2. Favre
  3. photo speculation thread. what the eff does any of all this matter anyway. how about just being respectful...if they asked for it to be removed, remove it and let it go.
  4. FWIW - here's a link to the owners manual soloist
  5. SXuClNY9PJ8
  6. underworld


    yes, get ON DEMAND cable... aren't you melting glaciers with all those video deliveries??
  7. divine intervention
  8. nevermind protecting the innocent and defenseless.
  9. underworld

    ten commandments

    1) be more rad than yesterday
  10. the problem is, that people make up their own rules of right and wrong. relativism ring a bell. if we make up our own rules - then there is no discipline. discipline is strength
  11. ok... so you don't like the word faith. how is 'hope' any different? aside from not being such a religious word?
  12. totally agree... i just think it is a sign of strength to trust. no, i don't think trust and reliance are the same tho.
  13. trust and faith are synonyms, dude....
  14. do you only climb things you are 100% of sending? do you see strength in those that stick their neck out on a climb. not KNOWING if a line will go, but believing it will and going for it? same with relationships. isn't it a weaker position to not trust a mate. do you really KNOW if a mate is going to stick around? i'd say all you can do is hope and believe. FAITH it's a shame that it is postured as weak to need to believe in god or afterlife. i'd say it is weaker to NEED proof in order to trust or believe.
  15. family guy. it will ruin all other shows for you.
  16. it was media spin...
  17. it would at least get rid of the unwanted kid
  18. wouldn't it be easier to make is 'mate' have an abortion?
  19. doesn't he still have to pay child support and the likes?
  20. how does a man terminate an unwanted pregnancy?
  21. underworld


    Nice troll. You have to be kidding. IMO the gov cannot do something illegal then turn around and wave there magic wand and proclaim amnesty. can a street cop drive 100 mph on i-5 to chase down a bank robber?
  22. what does she say about pullups?
  23. how are they different?
  24. chuck norris doesn't endorse. he farts, and that fart is then president.
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