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Everything posted by Dechristo

  1. Well, it just so happens that Viagra is also supposed to aid performance at altitude, so the comparison is most appropriate (or was it deliberate?). Effective in self-arrest when sliding head first. Well, I guess every situation would be head first.
  2. Sorry, Bug. Dung beetles can hope to be awakened (or, "Born Again",) to a low level of comprehension, only.
  3. "Nah-ahhh. Don't even think of lookin' at my man like that!"
  4. Orders of ignorance is arguable (witness: Kevbone), but the resultant biases, which occur in everyone, will always leave you red-faced. You may well have found yourself in the clatch that discounted Monsignor Georges Lemaître. The bacteria is an interesting find. Though, the microbe may not have been "asleep" to be "awakened".
  5. Dechristo

    Weekend TR

    Played a rock-a-billy gig in a remote NM ranching community. Those people don't forsake, nor take for granted, an opportunity to kick up their heels.
  6. Dechristo

    You suck

  7. ...and then you awake from your delusional daydream, find yourself at eave-level of your house standing on a rung of an extension ladder, and then, resume clawing wet decaying leaves from the gutter and dropping them into a little red plastic bucket.
  8. no, kinda dehydrated
  9. Meanwhile, ShallowLung is still looking for someone to spread some shit on his back.
  10. most first ass sends.
  11. That circumstance requires the donning of this type helmet:
  12. Not me. I've never had a confirmed broken bone. I've frozen & cut some off and exploded some off, but never broken.
  13. It rules because it's another activity where I exceed due to a prehensile penis.
  14. Tough to find an intellectual fit?
  15. The ridicule appears pointed more at those who may choose to climb w/o a helmet.
  16. If that were the case, he would probably have included an "r" in the title word "stoke".
  17. They're closing in on you, PeterAche.
  18. Dechristo


  19. but then, I did a lot of dumb things when in my twenties...like getting married.
  20. had to be there
  21. Dechristo


    it will be after we mark your tongue with increments
  22. At 1:30AM, the cops started piling into the strip joint to bust the exotic dancer. Being a fair piece along the path to inebriation, involuntarily, I made a somewhat serpentine escape out the front door. Sitting in a cruiser at the curb was the cop who had pulled me over while I rode my bike three times previously. I made the mistake of engaging him in conversation which ended when I told him to, "Fuck off." It riled him.
  23. Saddam had yellow cake.
  24. Dechristo


    It's a unit measure of time.
  25. As well as the "my resume is better than yours" thread. Faking a death is part of faking a life.
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