You've proved once again that you can take the boy outta the commie, but you can't take the commie out of the boy.
if you are so much for a free enterprise, why don't you object to the fact of AIG taking money from the FED?As the matter of fact right now the US Government is the majority share holder in this company, hence implementing such pay scale would not be so strange. These "bright" individuals leveraged 35:1 the assets of the company and they should be getting fired, rather then getting millions of dollars in bonuses, financed by US taxpayers. however you seem not to be able to comprehend simple facts. your insults are WEAK you fig pucker.
McCain by landslide....... now fuck off.
Kevpuff, with your customary literary discernment you've missed the gist.
SoapBoxBob, in the language of carnal lovers, is lovingly communicating that though his Woolite love fluids initially Gained and crested in a Tide, he's now so dry (as if his box were desiccunt/kitty litter-filled ) that he requests a fur-lough for his soaped box.
Though, it sounds like a twenty-mule team train could drive through it.