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Everything posted by Dechristo

  1. weasel-chinned-otter snaffle-assed-nodder love-butter-lotion labia-lathered-motion crampons in the bed there's no woody for the wed mules are procreatin' with the leaders of the nation The world keeps gettin' hotter and the argument churns out fodder Gettin' ganged on by the fucktards Japanese chairs'll let you fuck hard See-oh-two emissions rise drive your car and criticize chestbeat routes you do on rock just send the bitch and stuff a sock
  2. Dechristo


    Cut the tike some slack... He obviously went to Spelling and Grammar School at RC.com
  3. If, in this case, "SUV" was a description of the act, perhaps it would stand for: Somebody's Useless Vengeance
  4. when not born with a silver spoon in your mouth, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do if you want to do what you want to do. ...what she said.
  5. Vat da hahl ees czar chasm? The Dr. intends to cut and wound the Amazing Mr. Ed and victimize him as the butt of his nefarious contempt and ridicule. GET 'ER DONE!
  6. His climbing aside, as it is, I'd imagine he goes over large in these rooms for his refusal to honor his commitment to speak at the AAC Annual Meeting in Ouray this March past due to "political conditions" in this country.
  7. Are you a rockjock exclusively? You can't have any appreciation for what it takes to accomplish such a feat. I think you've got an apples and oranges thing here.
  8. Do as Phil Hartman described in an SNL skit: "First, I will trow you down and pee on your chest. Den, I will make you drink anti-freeze until you're unconscious."
  9. Got MILF?
  10. Give yourself a hickie with a breast MILF pump.
  11. Honk if you love L. Ron MacKenzie
  12. ...and wipes with copies.
  13. Aye, and that's why pirates started wearing underwear: to spare their parrots plumage... and their hineys from beaks.
  14. Isn't that what underwear is for?
  15. Cute. Big Bros ---> enlarged testes Wood -------> a hard-on Or were you suggesting the "wood" as off-width aid?
  16. Bestial in its metaphoric richness of oedipallic young tillers of soil sowing seed. Plow it.
  17. Govenor of... what? Your zipper? It's aboot time you took administrative responsibility.
  18. "Mule": euphemism for "Yo Momma's Ass".
  19. that photo is a joke, and it will not work... The 2x6 deal looks a bit shaky. I can split those things with a dead blow from a 14oz hammer... It should work fine considering the nature of wood to allow its conformity to other surfaces under compression. Your objection (rightly so) is to the proclivity of wood to fracture along its grain. A piece of LVL (laminated veneer lumber) may be the solution. LVL is 1 3/4" thick, has no fracture weakness (no continuous grain), and will conform to surfaces under compression; weight your placements to set them. Worth a try. You're not gonna need the pro anyway... you're gonna send the thing (once your psyche is assuaged by the effectiveness of the pro, it's all a head game anyway, eh?), and then chide yourself for the mental torture you put yourself through beforehand.
  20. Good, this is what my reply to Bill was about.
  21. bene bene, bravo.
  22. Prehensile genitalia. works for the women,too.
  23. Some of it is. oh yeah? like which part of the science is "liberal propaganda"? It was not suggested that "some of" the data portion of the science was "liberal propaganda" (although, we all know data can be manipulated if desired), but, that "some of" the reports of attributable affects are exagerated; this is promulgated by both the Left and Right. If you swalllow everything you hear and read as credible and are unable, or unwilling, to discern apart from political alignment implausibility, you will follow many primrose paths. You've witnessed many flamboyant scientific claims by both the Left and Right on this subject. I suspect you've read more into my statement than was there... again. Wherever people and money are involved, there is bias. playing on words again ... individual bias cannot explain that 99.99% of the science says warming is real... No, money and people is a very effective formula for bias. Don't you question who funded research and speculate of bias if the results are not acceptable to you? Also, my statement reflected on the folly of those that write-off all of the data as "liberal hogwash"; it should be easy to construe my acceptance of the reality of global warming. It seems your biased judgment of me inhibits your interest in understanding what I write. There can be no doubt of an affect, it is the great extent that has yet to be quantified... doubtful it ever will; quite a complex equation, probably with variables yet to be known and defined. source (reputable, please). which greenhouse gas? certainly not CO2 (pinatubo was in 1991): http://www.magazine.noaa.gov/stories/images/maunaloacarbondioxide.jpg Sorry, don't remember the study. I read it sometime around '95. Well, you've matched my "study suggested" statement with a patent claim. Very bold considering your claim requires at least three orders of magnitude more conjecture on the emissions from volcanoes in the last 150 years. I agree.
  24. I speculate there exist people who desire to learn for themselves a depth of love, understanding, and forgiveness that can usually only be discovered in a long-term monogamous relationship. Also, I speculate that should they choose to have children, they hope their life-long example of commitment to those aforementioned intangibles will not produce in their offspring the preponderance of insecurity and worship of libido you exhibit.
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