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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. There's a sweet coulior on north peak that looks like a good ski line. But I don't see much that looks like a stunning climbing line. The west face is unfortunately, west facing, which probably doesn't set up too well for snow and ice.
  2. Usually I don't respond to most of your posts because what you have to say is so inherently retarded that it doesn't need to be accentuated. This is one of those situations.
  3. You are partly correct - this site is in fact biased against whiny little hoopleheads like you.
  4. I think they have one or two at Second Ascent in Seattle.
  5. that's because i "guided" a party up it and reccomended it to another earlier this season. both of whom provided tr's on this and the other local spray site. without the spoon fed baby food the sheep would go elsewhere. lesson: stop posting your lame tr's and they'll all go back to lillooet. nothing worse than pick scars and kick holes. I'm suprised anyone else climbed it since, heaven forbid, it isn't even in the Washington ice instruction manual.
  6. So in that picture that's been in the press of Kevbone's brilliant friend, he's wearing tele boots. Was the group that fell and got hurt trying to ski Hood? Not that it really matters, just another innacuracy in the press I guess.
  7. Cool. Just remember is doesn't matter if you like him or not it just matters how good of a climber he is.
  8. Which aspect did you ski? Scurlock's photos make the north face look fun.
  9. I've thought Oval would be a good ski. How were the turns from there?
  10. DirtyHarry

    Dog on Hood

    Another social gathering that you are not invited too.
  11. Sounds like a cool bag. You should call it the Brokeback Mountain.
  12. I'd say you should go get the 2nd ascent of Dragontail Madness but that would be shere madness!
  13. DirtyHarry

    De Jesus

    "He may wield influence over them, but his followers say don't expect them to go the way of people who believed in David Koresh and Jim Jones." About time the media recognized Mark Twight as a cult leader on par with David Koresh.
  14. You can do what you like but before you go handing out your resume you should warn people that you've rubbed your cock and balls all over it.
  15. DirtyHarry

    Dog on Hood

    It does not suprise me that you are friends with these morons.
  16. I too had similar experiences as one of PJ's passengers. He also liked to buzz our camp on the Ruth. PJ brought us beer on the Kahiltna; and when he picked us up, even after he'd been flying all day, he gave us a bitchin scenic ride back to Talkeetna. He was a cool dude.
  17. We could give scores like on 8a.nu.com. How many points for the Toof?
  18. DirtyHarry

    Dog on Hood

    I bet the lab thought the whole thing was good times. He got to go on a long hike, snuggle with his owners, and probably got a whole bacon cheeseburger when they got down to Timberline.
  19. Taun Taun for Hood winter ascents.
  20. when Rat climbed Drury Falls for the first time Hummingbirds were brand new but he couldn't afford a pair. His partner had a set though. So Rolf climbed it with a pair of north wall hammmers. Pretty core. That asshole is on his way up to Banff today for a week for the second time this season. Punk.
  21. But if they didn't have the internet back then how did they spray about their climb afterwards?
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