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Everything posted by kix

  1. please refrain from using boulder and route in the same sentence.
  2. I thought he just meant putting them down, which I support.
  3. actually many of the City peeps I know spend their day sitting on the bridges getting to the eastside burbs.
  4. kix

    martial arts

    ummmm, I'm sure I'd rather grapple with archy in jell-o. and then maybe make-out and talk about my bike.
  5. however, the judge is sitting there with some fresh tulips on her desk and may be perfectly open to the argument that spring is spring and winter rules are null and void.
  6. kix

    martial arts

    either that or on top having a beer
  7. kix

    martial arts

    is tht a jell-o challenge? I can grapple. but grappling rocks is punishment enough for me.
  8. kix

    martial arts

    grappling with a sweaty guy on the ground isn't exactly my idea of a great way to get in shape or get a workout. how about co-ed Brazilian Ju Jitsu matches in jell-o?
  9. whatever. its all about Bouldering Barbie. She carries my pad, wears tight halters and snug yoga tights. She makes my lunch and brings me beers. She loads my bong and then she brushes all my holds before I send. But thats just her Barbie qualities. As soon as I am finsihed she crushes my projects and then we have sex on the top of the boulder. Bouldering Ken is lying in the bushes with a black eye and fat lip for thinking Boldering Barbie had any interest in him. I made her up. She's mine.
  10. so where the hell is my porsche then?
  11. I have heard the various rumors, as well as wildly conflicted accounts of quality. supposedly there is much sandstone to be found on the backroads between snoqualmie pass/easton area and roslyn. personally, everything around roslyn that I;ve seen to date is mega-choss crap.
  12. kix


    omg. the guts and Gore must have been an awful experinence
  13. kix


    excellent observation. you win the internet.
  14. kix


    crush him while he is down.
  15. sometimes we overlap the pads to prevent ankle injuries. but even that is pretty non-controversial. no one starts blabbering about lab tests etc... the thc and alcohol content discussions can get pretty heated tho, well at least until the bowl has passed a few times, then is pretty low key. you can mention boltng cracks and no one will even raise an eyebrow.......
  16. funny how none of these issues ever come up when I'm out bouldering.
  17. so what say ye now about the CLO?
  18. anything that requires excessive grunting
  19. kix


    torturing gitmo inmates forever thank georges innumerable falacies
  20. why? joseph campbell has earned a place far beyond being fodder for your satire. its like depicting mohammed. sacrilege.
  21. kix


    tenacious girls initiating fellatio
  22. kix


    two girls into fisting
  23. v1
  24. kix


    Trannies Get In Free
  25. kix


    "yeah, its deep too"
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