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Everything posted by kix

  1. liberally ordering fantastic libations
  2. found a new connection with better quality buds.
  3. "I wish I could quit you"
  4. I'm 45. Besides, my mom already told them to quit harrassing me a few weeks ago.
  5. I don;t use real bullets.
  6. Mom kick you out of the house for the day or what? yeah. but she made me a bologna sammich and some triscuits in a brown bag, so I'm good. except for having to ride my bike to the mountain.
  7. hahahahaaaa clones. I'm out the door shortly for a bit of boulder hunting.
  8. watched big wallers and slabbers in yosemite for years and years growing up in cali. fascinated, but not really compelled. 3 years ago a boulderer got me high and I've been bouldering ever since.
  9. I have already learned my lessons the hard way.
  10. I am a boulderer. pull = good. push = bad.
  11. kix

    I am such a loser!

    great idea. naturally I'll be the mod and naturally I will prevent most all of of you from posting to it.
  12. kix

    Weather Photo

    hooky next week.
  13. will someone kindly provide me details on how to get to the Fee Demo Wall? thanks.
  14. put beastie boys on the list
  15. have you heard his music from the past 10- 20 years? Paul IS dead.
  16. still. neither is really big enuff to carry a typical group of friends from tennessee on an outing.
  17. kix

    Unfortunate Names

    I am the man to know.
  18. kix

    Unfortunate Names

    my father-in-law is Dick Payne
  19. doing my best friends girlfriends
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