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Everything posted by kix

  1. that would be tits and ass, but we are not so crass as to use such vulgar language.
  2. I thinks its funny that people get offended here. But maybe some people just want to create a site, form their own clique, be their own god. I consider this site quite tame in comparison to my regular site that I frequent. (My other site has regular thong and mams threads tho, and we cuss like sailers. always a plus.) I cant imagine any other site having more 'all-around, relevant, factual beta' for the PNW than this site. although as a devout boulderer, I personally consider 99% of it useless. just kidding, I read the topics here, learn more about my cascades backyard everyday which leads to more exploration and more boulders for me. Found a shitload last night with some worthy lines, deep under the moss, due to beta gleemed here. Thanks CC.COM.
  3. kix

    wabbit season

    carry one of those rabbits foot in your pocket and the women'll be all over you: "hey big guy".
  4. thats a fun lowball, V2 from the sit called Moss Mantle Mantra. recognize it anywhere.
  5. theres almost enough fodder there for a made for tv movie tho, add some violence, some overthrow undertones, you desperately trying to shuttle your family away while conflicted about your need to inform the world firsthand via your blog. not to mention your well documented penchant for multiple love interests on the side. with some effort, your blog could be the manuscript if contrived properly.
  6. glad there are no prizes here, I have no chance whatsoever of winning a thing.
  7. kix

    I got a fever

    that was an official request for photos if I ever heard one...
  8. OMG. how can you bring a child into that uncertain world on the verge of anarchy?
  9. having already been fully swayed by the defenses assertions in the press along with my own willy nilly assumptions about this case, I fully conclude she was just out for a payday and has brought scorn on those fine young lads as a result of her poor last minute planning and execution of her devious scheme.
  10. well written luke. kudos.
  11. its all about the underground bellevue climbing scene. way too core to even discuss on a forum.
  12. kix

    my "new" toy

    cool. take it off any jumps?
  13. christ someone lube this thread the whine is intolerable.
  14. Hey its KIX! kix is rutger? rutger is hott therefore we can deduce that kix is hot. not that I haven't always known. laughing now?
  15. sandstone boulders on Tiger Mountain.
  16. kix

    For Distel/kix

    you mean by suggesting that distel still climbs?
  17. I admire your ability to schedule ahead.
  18. kix

    uh oh

    no wonder people think he doesnt climb
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