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Everything posted by kix

  1. the 5.8 crux? this was never a boulder problem to begin with. let the kids top rope it.
  3. America was built on legends.
  4. In America, kids joining violent gangs cruise with their brights on, and the first driver to flash brights back get shot dead as part of the gang initiation.
  5. the funk phenomenon, the funk phenomenon, the funk phenomenon, the funk phenomenon, the funk phenomenon, the funk phenomenon, the funk phenomenon, the funk phenomenon, the funk phenomenon, the funk phenomenon, the funk phenomenon, the funk phenomenon, hell yeah.
  6. a team of Bellevue PD gestapo booted motorcycle fatasses runs a regular trap near my house sitting on top of a tunnel exit literally shooting fish in a barrel as cars exit the tunnel in excess of 35. (the tunnel is a downhill sweeping turn, so its easy to hit 50). They nabbed my wife, judge reduced the fine knowing of the trap. However, that was not enough to satisfy me, I took a nice big steelhead out of the freezer and buried it under dry leaves right where the cops sit on their bike to laser people. within a day it stunk to hell and they were not seen there for several weeks after. Probably time to offer up another fish. dont mess with me. I am devious and vindictive.
  7. 15 feet is a highball these days?
  8. kix

    Favorite Authors

    any list without Alfred E. Newman is invalid.
  9. mount a few top-ropers heads from poles at the trailhead and things will clear up dramatically.
  10. chop chop. with extreme prejudice.
  11. prolly some decent problems on that brick wall back there. with what appears to be very nasty top outs. broken glass?
  12. you all are like a bunch of clucking old hens at a church bake sale with all your pointless outrage and letter writing. there is so much more worthy stuff to write letters and be outraged about.
  13. airplanes aren't apple carts
  14. just take them to the titanic area and they will happily climb all day til they drop.
  15. you sure ask alot of elementary questions for some one who often comes across here as a self appointed expert.
  16. I just gave my self about 8-10 weeks rest. that should have been enuff to allow me to climb every day the rest of the year. right? otherwise all is well and I am HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY to be pulling again. still going a bit easy tho. the fear of pain is fresh.
  17. kix

    finer things of life

    no mention of girls in halters. totally invalid.
  18. not that I;ve seen, but I was down and out with the rotator cuff for a while. just recently started going back in at lunch.
  19. lord knows theres enuff of them right now. wtf?
  20. way to exercise your womans perogative.
  21. kix

    I own this forum

    happy now?
  22. the park I mentioned, Weowna, is like Virgin Airlines first class luxury lounge compared to all these other bag of peanut parks. did I mention the flying squirrels. vicious.
  23. I wish I'd made that observation. really. damnit.
  24. I trimmed back the foliage to make my tree look bigger
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