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Everything posted by kix

  1. kix

    Unfortunate Names

    Hey kix, do you know Drew Wang? The wangster? We are good friends. Had a brew with drew last evening. totally made it up. just kidding. he's the badger.
  2. I CALL BULLSHIT!!!! Liberace will always be cool. Gay as a daffodil. and white haired homophobic hypocritical conservative white americans LOVED him while pretending not to notice. now thats cool.
  3. triple posts
  4. Jumbo Jacks
  5. Frankie and Anette
  6. I CALL BULLSHIT!!!! Liberace will always be cool.
  7. got eaten pretty good by mosquitos (very LARGE mosquitos) out boldering the past 2 days. plenty of buds. plus the trees had some going too.
  8. kix

    Unfortunate Names

    Drew Wang
  9. Black Oak Arkansas
  10. damn. all that....sniff...
  11. if you ever rode your schwinn stingray at full speed, wind at your back, scream-singing Deep Purples Highway Star at the top of your lungs on the way to little league practice, YOU WOULD KNOW!
  12. shaq haircuts ten dollar lids of commercial portable cassette players Arsenio
  13. kix

    Unfortunate Names

    last names: Slutsky Lipschitz Dingler
  14. OK, first of all lets get something CLEAR!!: Deep Purple and Schwinn metal flaked banana seats will alwyas be cool as fuq. got it?
  15. STFU you whiney little girl. on, and on and on...... reader photos. not pro-ho fanboy gawkers. those were the shots submitted, those are the shots you have to choose from. don't like em, don't vote for any of them.
  16. climbed all day and still caught the game. 1st half on the radio drving home, and 2nd half on tv. did I mention I climbed ALL DAY????
  17. she climbs strong and likes dirtbag climbers. that pretty much makes her miss america round here.
  18. kix

    climbing girls

    only cause you always have a couple OZs of the chron nope. Shocks, banana seat...LUCKY!!! Ever take it off any sweet jumps? hell yes. one of my many skills.
  19. kix

    climbing girls

    on a mission, and your wishin, someone could cure your lonely condition.............
  20. kix

    climbing girls

    only cause you always have a couple OZs of the chron nope.
  21. kix

    climbing girls

    chicks dig me
  22. I'd like to point out that mine has a pretty girl in it.
  23. kix

    climbing girls

    I thought this thread was going to be filled with of pix of hot climber chicks in snug prana halters with glistening bare thighs, ripped abs and full pouty lips. wtf people.
  24. you just dont want it bad enuff. priss.
  25. uh, dry and partly cloudy forecasted. climbing sunday afternoon. posers.
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