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Everything posted by corvallisclimb

  1. Its supposed to stay dry and the back road is open, any one wanna get in there with me this weekend? Tyler
  2. if any one still reads this i will be going and need a partner to climb somethin! ill be the younger kid i assume so pick me out : P
  3. my father was on a plane from pdx to sea-tac with his buddy when they where able to snap this shot
  4. pollstar.com then go to concert search "portland"
  5. can you guys post some of your pics on here id love to see them
  6. where you fishing up there? i have a friend who works there as a fisherman and gave me the idea that place was tiny
  7. its seems as if most oregon hardmen could care less about posting a TR over here at good ol cascade climbers
  8. I'm really on no ones side here, I havent read enough posts nor been around long enough to even think in my head whos right or wrong. Being one of the youngest people on this site, I find my self sometimes looking up to people on this site, kinda like "oh I can't wait to get to the point where that guys at" type a thing, I've got a few years to catch up with most people on this site. I've been lazy the past couple days and found my self just sitting around reading posts. Being fresh out of high school I've found this board to feel a lot like those days, with constant bitching about whos right whos wrong, whyd you do that, whyd you do this and so on... Its a fucking joke this is a climbing message board, who gives a fuck what someone types and what someone posts, is this really going to affect your life? Lambone should be able to post as he chooses, and mods if you want to send PM's like that than so be it. Though no offense someone sending a PM like that is fucking weak, I mean look at the context of that, why would you want to waste your time typing such a thing? Lambones happy climbing down in Ashland and your happy climbing some where up in WA. Why should any one sit at home and stress one bit about what someone else is doing 500 miles away on there computor, we are all climbers we can figure our own shit out. Mabey I'm just as low ranting like this... I hooked up with lambone on this site, and now I finally am getting to take a trip to the valley for my first time, I'm fuckin pumped and I know that hes excited to get in there to, at least I know hes still got a good attitude towards climbing. Flame away
  9. you can also carry those huge nails you get at the hardware store shove one in the hole and move on
  10. im drunk allready and wearing spandex... can i come????
  11. ive asked the same question before, depending on the angle of the rock hooking would be a fine option, a talon or bat hook woud work. its your call though stick clip or hook, but who knows by the time your there i wouldnt be surprised if the bolts allready been replaced on a route like that. just my non-professional 2 cents
  12. check your pms
  13. better have that night club at 11,000 ft
  14. yeah i cant imagine being half way up the bolt ladder then bailing, and coming back the same day
  15. i did the pioneer route a few weeks ago... the bolts are huge 1/2 inch or somethin... but i did notice one or two that i felt suspect of some movement but wasnt quite sure if it was because it was like 6am and i was fuckin tired and cold or what. who knows, that woulda been quite the shock on a route like that. would have been interesting if first ascent had a group out there and saw there leader take a whippper on the bolt ladder
  16. im in corvallis and need a partner from anywhere in oregon for anything so i can get out. i am motivated, and well rounded though not as experinced in some areas. i would love to find someone who would teach me more aid than ive been able to teach my self. thank you
  17. if i find my ti 83 its yours for 20 dollars if you want it
  18. thats i think that site was just what i was lookin for
  19. we should go try and climb together
  20. anything close by? sport, trad, top rope anything works. i plan on visiting a friend whos going to school there and plan on climbing something
  21. oh okay thanks for the picture. now i know, for some reason that was in the back of my head, but wasnt to sure. what are the routes like there, or is that the only one?
  22. where in oregon is this? i have never heard of this area
  23. for half the oregon peaks, it says "well heres the standard route but if your crazy enough to try anything else please refer to oregon high" in the preface to mt washington it also basically tells you to go to smith rock instead for rock climbing instead of trying other tech rock routes up washington
  24. I work in the chilean patagonia during their summers as a guide... PM me and I can help you with whatb ever you need.
  25. Climb: Eldorado Peak-East Ridge Date of Climb: 7/31/2004 Trip Report: So here is my trip report from Eldorado feat. Nolse, Pandora and Illini. We left PDX about 6pm on Friday and headed up north snagging Pandora along the way pulling her further away from Rainer but she cant resist an outing with Nolse so... Got the the trail head at about 12:30pm after almost hitting a drunk guy whom had pissed himself in the middle of HW 20! We all passed out and awoke to finally head out around 9. The approach was good until we broke out of the trees and the heat kicked in wich really took the life out of me, so we wernt crusin NOLSe style but non the less we go to the bivy around 4:30 right at the bottom of the east ridge. We decided to go for the summit at about 5:30 pm topping out just about 6:15 hung out there for a bit and slid on down. All in all I had a great trip except for the heat and my feet. It was a very mellow climb not technical, but a perfect first trip for me into the northern cascades. Cool group of people it was my first time out with them. I know John and Jason both tryed to capture some mountain porn but not the digitial way, so expect some more photos soon. Gear Notes: Ice axe, glacier gear. We never used our crampons. Approach Notes: long
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