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Everything posted by corvallisclimb

  1. damn fuck face eh i got scared stick clipping the first bolt on that bucket one
  2. yeah people spray one another for no reason at all... jokes are fun, but it gets to a point on these message boards when somepeople really need to shut up. i have not noticed a lack of hood trs... but anything else yes. in the past few months hasnt anyone else climbed something in oregon (besides mt hood) like barad dur? the turkey monster? steins pillar? eastern oregon granite? anything anything at alll? it seems like adventure is dying in oregon laytons recent tr of ryme dog was refreshing, but come on people get on some more choss!!!!
  3. woah... i did think that was for your woman , but now it seems mabey i was wrong
  4. any one been there? got any beta to share? also anyone been to razorblade pinnacle?
  5. plus you had to live up to your cc.com status of "Choss Cleaner"
  6. well acctually you didnt miss anything except some warm olde and a stuck rope... some party that was! or mabey those sport'os should wait till mid week to climb so they dont get rained on due to the constant traffic of people on the bros traverse.
  7. rock on! too bad you missed the party in the west face cave lets finish the turkey!
  8. i think you have to know the right places
  9. cipro all the way dude! and smoke a lot of the cheap tobacco... peruvian cocaine has gotta be the real deal for head aches
  10. If no one else is doing it why shouldnt you be able to go up there and put up some dry tooling routes... after all your the one with the balls to do it. Ruining existing routes is one thing, but there shouldnt be anything stopping you from doing something new there, free, aid or drytool aid. There are 4 existing routes there: West Chimney "Alpenjager" - 5.4/5.5 NE Face "Zucchini Route" - 5.6 A2 or 5.10 Ripping RURP (variation to the zucchini route) - 5.10c A2+ X Jewl in the Crown - 5.12 sport Good luck and hopefully you pull off something bad ass! BTW send me a pm with wich cds I gave you, I'm slowly but surley finishing your cds up. But have been pretty damn busy job hunting and climbing and stuff.
  11. right on chris, your new book should be good! your last one is a peice of work. no one fuckin posts anything in this form anyway, and when someone does post something of use the elitist cascadeclimbers have to come in and spray! to that
  12. im going to throw steve schnieder out there sport 5.14s trad 5.13 i belive A5 big walls in patagonia three towers traverse freed el cap multiple routes first to solo the nose in day off width master 2 hard FAs up el cap 2nd ascent bachar-yerain ice climber and mixed climber done a fair bit of alpine mabey not the best, but definatly well rounded
  13. ya, im not going to smith, just need a place as close to bend as possible. and all of my friends there have left for "spring break".
  14. headed to bend tonight but need a place to stay. are there any local camp grounds? or someone feelin nice and want to share a room? any help would be much appricated.
  15. i will probably be up in portland twmorrow and am looking for a partner for something... alpine, rock, smith anywhere really... for the weekend. if any one needs a partner for something shoot me a pm.
  16. kingsmm: all of the anchors are pretty old and rusted, most with old hangers. the routes generally seem to be rather run out with older bolts all placed from lead stance. rawhide is a wild climb with intimidating exposure at the crux.
  17. ireneo: 2 bolts on slabs then a fixed pin on the crux section, definaly one hell of a climb
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