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Everything posted by corvallisclimb

  1. dude you guys rock i will climb with you ill be headed out there with some osu dudes w/ out a partner, lookin to do something interesting. mike i belive we met at the cascade kegger thingy and smoked a cig. tyler
  2. shoulda kept the contest going, it would have been funny to see more peoples photos.
  3. thanks
  4. my trip report begins long before my trip began but anyways so like one random night i was hanging with my girls like usual my friend (pictured below) and climbing partner Tito also quite the ladies man him self called me up on my cellphone to see if i wanted to go on an expedition to the great trango towers with him to put a new route up i was stoaked, we where going to be sponsored by his parents sushi shop in eugene, and would be leaving to pakistan the very next week. i spent the next week getting ready for the trip every day and night i trained, and really pushed my limits we really wanted to do a bad ass route on this trip, neither of us had done any aid climbing and very little trad climbing. but we each had bought a set off hexes and some quick draws and a portaledge, so we felt like we where well equiped and ready to climb up to 5.11 A5.... so we arrived in pakistan holding friends with the locals we where excited to get in there so we organized the expedition and began the trek into base camp. we didnt have a clue what we where doing so we had no idea if we would be targets of terroisim or not. so on the second night of the trek we hung our portaledge in a tree and settled down for the night. i awoke to having out portaledge shot to the ground the 5 foot fall to the ground knocked the wind out of me and left me in a tangled mess, i soon realized we where in the hands of terrorists the next seven days where horrible, we awoke everynight to our captives jerking off like weirdos, god i hate those bastards. anyhow once p.diddy, g.bush and the rest of the pakistani army found out we where to be rescued the rescue tured into a bloodbath wich resulted in many casulties, but from then on we made it with out to much trouble back to oregon. my girls welcomed me back, and so ended my trip so that concludes my trip report. after returnin we where offerd to have a movie made about us but we declined because where considerd our selves to be to bad ass, and didnt want to sell out! now that i think about it that could be one of the worst descisions i have ever made. BIG WALLERS FOR BUSH
  5. my first lead i had a hold break off on some sandstone took about a 15 footer onto a slab and caused a spiral fracture on my right hand. thought i disloacated it and tryed to set it before being lowerd off, bad idea the finger made disgusting sound. i had to do more simul raps and then didnt see a doctor or get an x ray until 12days later, then still diddnt see an american doctor till 24 days after the fact. but i did manage to climb the route again with broken finger ... since then ive taken a few falls but luckly never bumped my finger, i just hope i dont wind up with 9 fingers sometime soon
  6. according to koin the sherrifs department says the criticaly injured climber passed away
  7. im going to climb to the top of the hip hop charts with tony yayo and 50 cent slam a 40 and climb back down nolse
  8. hahahahaha
  9. Yeah I've been slowly trying to learn to rope solo. It would be great to hook up with some folks that want to get in there and climb. It has come to be one ov my favorite climbing areas, thanks so much Jim for all your work in there! You been back there anytime recently?
  10. woah those are big
  11. happy birthday dude!
  12. i use a gri gri with a prussik for back up, with some knots tied so i dont deck if something where to go wrong. is this an okay set up?
  13. theres a falls city oregon... home of satan worshiping and incest, oh yeah theres a little over water bouldering too
  14. isnt that crack bolted?
  15. went over there to get on the cave route, there was a really slow party on so we backed off. the rock quality on the first pitch seemed okay. and the whole route i guess is bolted now, one of the guys i was going to do it with had done it before. it recives a 4 star rating in the book before it was bolted so it should be pretty good
  16. the burger joint with a strange name in vantage has the best bison burgers : ) ate em for lunch 4 days in a row
  17. El Trono Blanco
  18. ive got a pair of 2002 Rossignol Power S9 racing skis 160cm w bindings im tryin to get rid of, sooo... if any one knows any one who races, has a child or somethign thats starting out, make me and offer and they will most likely be yours.
  19. i want your old pins, hammer, hooks, rps what ever anyone wants to part with. i would be happy to take them off your hands : )
  20. i belive after reading more in the dodge guide and looking at photos on summitpost.org i think that might be the south face of eagle rock. if any one has the dodge guide look in the southern cascade section on the 2nd page of that.
  21. i looked in the old dodge guide and couldnt seem to find anything, very cool : )
  22. i just use the older virsion of winamp, its really simple you can save all your media to a playlist. you can play videos. and you can also dl a lot of patches to play .shn, .flac, etc...
  23. i want to get out and do some climbing in oregon close to home any one out there for this weekend?
  24. the menagerie, a huge amount of routes for you and only you when your there! im trying to find a partner to get in there this weekend if any one want to join me.
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