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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. definitely a party foul. for shame, for shame
  2. Fair enough... I think the place we can all have common ground is that the "imminent threat" argument was never proven and that invading Iraq "just in case" was a mistake...
  3. that's not the way I remembered it... France, Germany, Russia all opposed the war ostensibly because the WMDs could be "contained" through continued sanctions, and the weapons inspectors just "needed more time" to find them.
  4. Nobody was arguing whether Hussein had WMD prior to the war (at least of the chemical and biological sort) - the argument was merely whether said weapons constituted an *imminent threat*. How convenient it is to brush that under the rug now...
  5. no, that makes you an arab-hating racist.
  6. That's the logical result of toeing the line of political correctness. With no profiling this is what you get.
  7. It's a Freudian slip Whatever... whereever... whenever you fuck with someone's car, you could get caught. What comes around, goes around, and you might get a taste of that vengeance. You know that's what I meant.
  8. Come on, don't be so naive...that's what the cover of night was invented for! If it's at a trail head, you could be unpleasantly surprised at just about any time of day or night...
  9. Live by the sword; die by the sword. OK, if some renegade wants to slap a bumpersticker on the DFA'baru's rear window, the Doctor will just have to suffer the consequences. or if they catch you throwing one on their car and smash your face in... vengeance is useful...
  10. Live by the sword; die by the sword.
  11. Will you quite using this picture it is driving me crazy must... find... noose...
  12. "my precious"
  13. diversity
  14. global warming
  15. that's hot
  16. they're jealous 'cos she's way out of their league
  17. I think that the french fry guy (who is clearly an emissary from hell) is staring at me...
  18. that cartoon scares me
  19. Yeah, and mandate forest access to military recruiters.
  20. I lost my NW Forest pass, so the squirrels have one on me.
  21. Do you ever dig up their nuts and hide them? That would drive them crazy.
  22. it's geek talk.
  23. Yeah, you liberals are so "nuanced" and sophisticated that you can make excuses for pure evil.
  24. You don't know me, where I come from, or where my family comes from, so off. As for moral outrage - all Americans have a case for it considering the cost this country paid fighting communism in the cold war. Lenin and Stalin were murderous scum on par with Adolf Hitler - and nobody would argue the outrage of erecting a statue to him in a public place.
  25. There are plenty of immigrants living here who suffered under communism, like glassgowkiss. And there are plenty of war veterans (and their families) who suffered fighting communism during the cold war.
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