As has been stated several times already, the discussion is about how a statue of Lenin, a vicious murderous tyrant, has been placed in full view for victims of his revolution (direct or indirect) to see. Nobody is erecting statues of the Czars for the Chechens, Tatars, or anybody else to see.
You are simply obfuscating the evils of communism with your discussion of past historical regimes. It has no relevance to the discussion. You refuse to categorically condemn communism, because of your own left-of-center ideological leanings, and seek ways to mitigate their crimes through rhetorical games.
To play your game, one could simply talk about the slaughter of tens of thousands of Slavic peoples across Russia at the hands of the Genghis Khan and his Golden Horde - and then talk about where the Tatars came from originally...