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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. As has been stated several times already, the discussion is about how a statue of Lenin, a vicious murderous tyrant, has been placed in full view for victims of his revolution (direct or indirect) to see. Nobody is erecting statues of the Czars for the Chechens, Tatars, or anybody else to see. You are simply obfuscating the evils of communism with your discussion of past historical regimes. It has no relevance to the discussion. You refuse to categorically condemn communism, because of your own left-of-center ideological leanings, and seek ways to mitigate their crimes through rhetorical games. To play your game, one could simply talk about the slaughter of tens of thousands of Slavic peoples across Russia at the hands of the Genghis Khan and his Golden Horde - and then talk about where the Tatars came from originally...
  2. It's all because your Momma don't dance, and your Daddy don't rock and roll...
  3. Okay smartypants. (But I'm a girl and it was just a little quickie to laugh at quote) Molodets', DFA, you've found someone who is fond of quickies.
  4. Cabo Wabo!
  5. run along now, and post some more stuff about gobots.
  6. Umm, to prevent the typical knee-jerk assumptions by the readership of this site that since the law was passed in Texas, and it's a red state, etc... The guy whose picture is in the article was all over the news stations this morning and he is a Dem.
  7. Why did you have to add that last stupid little line? that should be obvious, even to you.
  8. new law in Tejas (it's bipartisan, BTW)
  9. look who, in fact, is the moral relativist and the apologist ... Not quite. I said to ask them. I love how liberals want to posture as defenders of the sufferings of minorities they know nothing about. Ask any Crimean Tatar about what Stalin did to them, and then what the Czars did. See which matters more to *them*, rather than to your dishonest rhetorical arguments whose sole purpose is to obfuscate and diminish communist atrocities.
  10. Mas Tequila!
  11. Nope, but I'm gonna look for them. Ever had Rasputin Stoudt? It's made in the states, but it's some serious shit...
  12. Kakaya ironiya, chto malogramotnyj amerikanskij durak kritikuye moye upotrebleniye russkogo mata, sam nichego ne pokazyvaya krome pary slov. A nachet ego "logiki" da argumentov po anglijskij - nichego luchshe ne vizhu, na zhal'. Pateticheskij ty Foraker. Zhal'ko mne, chto mozhesh' tak byt'.
  13. Talk to the Tatars about what Stalin did to them and compare.
  14. spravzhni ukrayinci viddayut' perevahu pysaty solov'yinoyu ukrayins'koyu, navit' koly znevazhayut' srakolizov yak i ty. ta os' i stara ukrayins'ka znevaha dlya tebe: shlyakh trafyt' ot i vse
  15. nekhaj rosijs'ko-movni na forumi sudyat', a ne malohramotnyj amerykans'kij duren', shcho navchyvsya pary sliv po-rosijs'ki. i shakhtar chesnyj fakh
  16. they're one step above komunyaky-zhopolizy v Amerike. and I can talk about them all you want - they're a bunch of fuckheads too.
  17. Au contraire. People who live in a free country like America and make apologies for a system of government that enslaved hundreds of millions for decades and killed as many as 100 million - those are the greater idiots. I ty pokazal sebya odnym iz nikh. Pozdravlyayu, tovarish!
  18. Exactly - they were mortal enemies. The bigger, more vicious dog tore the other to shreds.
  19. I hope Chomsky spends eternity with Kaganovich, Beria, and Stalin razom iz Chortom v najhlybshomu kil'ci pekla.
  20. Those "leftists" who died were far from innocent angels. The majority were vile scum who committed plenty of murders and inflicted suffering in the name of their communist ideology. They just happened to lose the power struggle with Stalin. If they had won, they'd have killed him and committed atrocities in his place. Keep apologizing for the butchers of communism though, it just proves glassgowkiss's points. There's no difference between a communist apologist and a nazi-apologist - save that the latter are harder to find.
  21. zhivut' yobanye duraki kak i ty vezde - vo vsekh stranakh mira. raznicya est' to, chto zdes' mozhna svobodno protiv vas pisat' da govorit'.
  22. Duren' ty - khiba ya "sputnyk"? Mozhe ya narodyvsya na chuzhyni. Pan ne znaye toho, shcho pyshe, ale ce bulo yasno z pershoho postyngu do forumu. Pishov ty duren' na try veseli litery...
  23. And in the west, commie-loving cocksuckers like Duranty were lionizing the wonderful marxist ideals, hid the famine-ethnocide, and were given prizes for their great work (Pulitzer). Stalin meanwhile was bragging about his abundant agricultural output for the year, which was nothing of the sort - he confiscated it from farmers and sold it at dirt-cheap prices on the world market while his own people starved to death. Yeah, that really compares to all our "problems" in the US. Fucking morons.
  24. Nu i chto, sprashivayesh'? Ty tipicheskij naivnyj amerikanskij durak. Vot i chto.
  25. mudak, ublyudok, da yobanyj kusok gavna. ty zadovolen, srakosos?
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