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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Nichego ne ponimayesh', mudak - eto ochevidno ot tvoyikh "dumok". Sravnivat' upravleyniye Ameriki c tym Sovietskogo Soyuza, eto prosto znak otkrytoj gluposti ili eshche khuzhe - pokazyvayet, chto ty zhopoliz komunyakov.
  2. The forecast last Sunday was almost identical, and we were pleasantly surprised by absolutely perfect weather when we hiked up Mt. Ruth (near the inter-glacier). I don't know what the conditions were like high on the mountain, but it was sunny, and no sign of a lenticular to be found...
  3. a ty odin z Leninskikh poleznykh idiotov
  4. Wladimir Ilicz i Josif Wissarinovicz z odnoho polja jahody. Prokljati czortyni syny wony oboyi. Cur jim ta djadko. Merzavci.
  5. Adolf Hitler admired Josef Stalin's ruthlessness, and even once commented that when he needed a governor for a conquered Soviet Union, Stalin would be his first choice.
  6. correct. the communists were even worse.
  7. no arguments from me. but the moral relavists will tell you the US is just as bad... and there are lots of folks who still have fond memories of dear old Uncle Joe (Iosif Vissarionovich)
  8. Russians don't focus on rhyming: link
  9. United Forever in Friendship and Labour, Our mighty Republics will ever endure. The Great Soviet Union will Live through the Ages. The Dream of a People their fortress secure. Long Live our Soviet Motherland, Built by the People's mighty hand. Long Live our People, United and Free. Strong in our Friendship tried by fire. Long may our Crimson Flag Inspire, Shining in Glory for all Men to see. Through Days dark and stormy where Great Lenin Lead us Our Eyes saw the Bright Sun of Freedom above and Stalin our Leader with Faith in the People, Inspired us to Build up the Land that we Love. Long Live our Soviet Motherland, Built by the People's mighty hand. Long Live our People, United and Free. Strong in our Friendship tried by fire. Long may our Crimson Flag Inspire, Shining in Glory for all Men to see.
  10. who says I am not playing Devil's advocate to make a point? or simply be provocative.
  11. It's all in the spirit of spray, no?
  12. I'll be sure to be defer all questions to you of what it's like to be a bitch.
  13. the irony is overwhelming. the left just loves to posture as "worldly", relishing in the disdain of Europeans for our policies, our lifestyle, and silly opinions. Seems a taste of your own medicine is unpalatable.
  14. move to N. Korea for a few years. then come back and we'll talk.
  15. that was for the edification of glassgowkiss. just as you have no clue about living under communism, you would have no clue as to the meaning of what I wrote. chuyesh dzvin ta ne znayesh de j vin
  16. Ot i zaryta sobaka...
  17. have you tried upgrading since then?
  18. Interesting. Then why is it that all we hear about are the evils of "big oil"? What about beating up "big coal" for a while?? That's why you guys on the left care so much (look at the blue-red map - blue-staters congregate around ports and ocean fronts). I'm for higher CAFE standards as long as they are reasonable and fair. Nuclear waste scares the s**t out of me though.
  19. Since I have used Firefox, I have never had a problem with Spyware/Adware. IE sucks ass.
  20. The two recessions in the 70's were linked to rising oil prices under OPEC. What you allude to is a very plausible possibility, only in this case the word is "depression" - a severe recession.
  21. The hike up the Muir Snow Field is analogous to hoofing it up an intermediate ski run. It is wide, and there is nowhere that you'll look down and freak out. The weather is the big thing. Just go when the forecast is good. I was on the other side of Rainier yesterday. It was mostly sunny, and we watched for any coming rain showers (as forecast). We had no problems, and it was probably a great day to have been to Muir as well.
  22. How much snow was up on granite mountain? Where did you stop? Granite Mountain has a notorious avalanche chute that you want to avoid under certain conditions, so that may have been a wise move on your part. There is an alternate route that people taken in the winter.
  23. Has anyone been up on the Emmons recently? The White River road opened yesterday, and I hiked up to Ruth Mountain. Didn't see any climbers going up or down, just some skiiers. There was pretty decent snow coverage in Glacier Basin and on the Inter-glacier, and the route up the corridor looked good - from what you can see at a distance. The NPS web-site was updated 4/26 - it doesn't say anything about the Emmons route - just mentions the Paradise routes that are preferred now.
  24. microwave popcorn smell is bad, but microwaved fish leftovers is much worse.
  25. Nope. Do the math - that one trip will pollute the atmosphere and use resources at the rate of about 6 months of day-to-day living for the average American.
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