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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Gee, MoveOn will fight for congressional races. Wow. Isn't that special. Well, there's already majorities for the Dems in both houses, and... we're still in Iraq. And we'll still be there with Baracka-Billary-whatever-Dem gets elected.
  2. I think Olyclimber spilled his latte all over the server and shorted it out. Fukin Starbucks!! I hate them!
  3. you could crash at the Colchuck lake TH. There's even some nice spots a 100 feet or so up on the blocked off forest road at the NE side of the parking lot. No fires, of course.
  4. I did read it. As for disputing the arguments... well the paper doesn't make the argument you make. Jim addresses this well in his response above.
  5. linky I've seen it before... more oblivions...
  6. Now we're getting silly. You could rephrase it - but that's not what the article said. I did read several of the articles linked to the Wickapedia site - as I stated. If you going to base your argument on "scholarly" works, and not just your opinion, then don't get caught trying to bend the words to match your opinion and then accuse others providing some solid examples that contradict your opinion as non-scholarly. Cheers. Wasn't claiming that the articles in question weren't "scholarly," but that they didn't specifically address the question under discussion. I've provided a paper which does specifically address these claims, which I invite you to read, if you wish to base your objection to my argument on the contention that it has no support in the literature. Just because you didn't read a paper that contains the argument or the data to support my claim, doesn't mean that such papers don't exist. If you're going to play that game, at least play it fairly. Again: http://www.polisci.ucla.edu/faculty/ross/doesoil.pdf I'm afraid Jim is right here... you're backpeddling...
  7. Exactly. That fee is bogus. I pay for an annual NP pass with the add-on which covers the TH passes, and St. Helens has never been included. This may have changed this year (with a $15 hike in price) Even so, this fee still pales in comparison to the fleecing instituted by the socialist Canuck gov't.
  8. Kevboner can not count. Kevboner does not count.
  9. Liberal again violates rules. Remember Gore in debate
  10. I couldn't find it on the UI for your user ID. YOu must be special. It was easy to add/remove Kevboner from ignore.
  11. pot. kettle. black.
  12. read the rules!!!! you can't squeeze blood from a stone.
  13. liberalism is a mental disease You are mental! I am Spartacus!
  14. liberalism is a mental disease
  15. nothing is good enough for a liberal
  16. everything is Bush's fault
  18. Gotta love how the majority of the negative responses: 1) attack the author's grammar 2) attack the source (fake author) 3) do anything but address the points raised in the letter
  19. OMG!! THE HUMANITY!!! Of course this happened in a vacuum and had nothing to do with geopolitical realities following WWII. It was ALL about oil. No, it was pretty much about oil, at least on the part of Britain. Look into it, the lid is pretty much blown off, there are plenty of books on it now. from Wikipedia: "Cold war For the U.S., an important factor to consider was Iran's border with the Soviet Union. A pro-American Iran under the Shah would give the U.S. a double strategic advantage in the ensuing Cold War, as a NATO alliance was already in effect with the government of Turkey, also bordering the USSR. In addition, even though the appropriation of the companies resulted in Western allegations that Mossadegh was a Communist and suspicions that Iran was in danger of falling under the influences of the neighboring Soviet Union, Mossadegh declined to change course under moderate international pressure"
  20. OMG!! THE HUMANITY!!! Of course this happened in a vacuum and had nothing to do with geopolitical realities following WWII. It was ALL about oil.
  21. Hey, the lava dome looks pretty cool. You have to admit it's a good day hike in spring... and ski. :-)
  22. too simplistic. you got's to take care of yourself too.
  23. I care little for baseball, but when it's this time of the year, I always root against the c****sucker Yankees!
  24. I heard the author of this book on talk radio a few months ago. He made some good arguments - have not read his book yet, but thought I'd throw it out there: overblown
  25. duh! I'll drink to that
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