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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. the Crusades didn't materialize out of nowhere... you have to go back a bit farther if you want to bring them up. I never cease to be amazed how revisionist history dupes so many people, who immediately jump on the self-hate bandwagon. History is never so simple and clear-cut.
  2. take ex-lax *yawn*. not if you're active and fit.
  3. The article makes some good points and criticisms of our press and people (myopic, self-defeatist, short attention-span, ignorant). However, I don't buy the gloom and doom scenario of "what if we lose". Yes, there will likely be deep, negative consequences, but the claims made in the letter presume way too much. Spain is "done"? France is "next"? If we pull out of Iraq and there are more and more escalating attacks, as is claimed, we will not capitulate. We'll realize our mistake, change tactics, do whatever it takes.
  4. remember that sentiment when someone's stalking you. Like Kevboner?
  5. True dat I wonder how this would affect the climbing permit system. $15/run up the mountain + $7 to Jack's restaurant (what a scam!)
  6. take ex-lax
  7. Is there an echo in here?
  8. A long time Washington resident was telling me that this is indeed the case. Efforts that have been made in the past to widen Hwy were opposed by businesses in Sultan, etc, on the ground that they would go under. Personally, I think that's bunk. I'd stop at the Sultan Bakery on my way up to Stevens irrespective of whether I parked out front, or a block or two down a side-street, or whether I was slowed down due to congestion.
  9. Gonzalez is still on the left-hate-radar
  10. That would go great with vodka straight up...
  11. some total moron
  12. What was he planning to do with 10' of rope????? Wtf!? is right! hang himself?
  13. I wonder if those aren't photos from a "scrambling" course, rather than the BCC.
  14. When are you planning your Krystalnacht, Herr Virendra?
  15. LU8DDYz68kM
  16. Buying property AND investing is more diversified than renting alone. Liquidity? You mean like the 20% tax hit from early withdrawal on a 401(k)? Or maybe you mean the "loan" that you must pay-off IN FULL if you leave your employer (or are laid off or fired). No risk there, eh? And so liquid! Or I guess you could completely forgo the tax benefit of the 401(k) for the "liquidity" of your own investment account - outside of retirement. But wait, then you'll lose those matching funds. Oh dear!
  17. Keep waiting... and watching... and you'll get zero return.
  18. guacamole is a good reason to mix up margaritas... mas tequila por favor!
  19. and I disagree profoundly... owning a home is a great long-term investment, and a great way to ease your tax burden, enabling you to put more money into retirement, and have the ability to fund those expensive college educations down the road (HELOC, or down-size home, etc) This is the common perception, but it's not one I've heard offered forth by many folks who know what they're talking about that don't have their livelihood tied to the construction, sale, financing, etc of homes in one way or another. Money in a diversified portfolio constructed by someone that knows what they're doing produces better real returns with lower risk than residential housing in every long-term scenario that accurately measures total costs and total returns. Most people will buy a home for a multitude of reasons, some financial, some non-financial. For those who buy, buying a smaller home than you can afford and putting the difference in a diversified portfolio - ideally in a tax advantaged retirement account of some sort - will be a better choice than maxing out your mortgage payment on a primary residence or a combination of a primary residence and a second home in just about every conceivable long term scenario. http://finance.yahoo.com/real-estate/article/102603/why-your-home-is-not-the-investment-you-think-it-is What pundits say is one thing; reality is another. And anything in the aggregate blurs the possibilities of the individual. I made much more money off my 1st home than I did off of 10-15% stashed into a 401(k), Roths, and other investments over the same time frame (yes, factoring in the amount of $ going into each). And then there is that pesky, intangible quality of life issue...
  20. Yes. I probably like Fireball the best. In Rock, of course is a perenniel favorite.
  21. Iron Butterfly fucking rocks. They were an early metal band along with Deep Purple. I have them on vinyl. Schweet. Purple is my all-time favorite band. Ever.
  22. and I disagree profoundly... owning a home is a great long-term investment, and a great way to ease your tax burden, enabling you to put more money into retirement, and have the ability to fund those expensive college educations down the road (HELOC, or down-size home, etc)
  23. The only bet I'd consider relates to the property value increase on my home as per zillow.com
  24. In the meantime, I'll enjoy my growing equity. ;-)
  25. did you join in, Gary?
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