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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I see you spell as well as DSchuldt... i'd guess in both cases it must be the effect of all that THC.
  2. I've read that scotch pairs well with gamy red meats (e.g. lamb, venison), but be careful with garlic and scotch. I can't back this up with personal experience, though. I usually drink scotch by itself.
  3. take it to spray...
  4. Heh. If you want conservatives who climb, I'd venture there's a substantial number in the German speaking regions. Quite a few business tycoons are avid mountaineers there (such as Jurgen Schremp) I'm more interested in climbing with someone who is cool, good natured, shares similar objectives and risk-acceptance, than whether they are conservative or liberal. But if it comes to a choice of politics, I prefer moderates in general, rather than shrill extremists on either side - that goes for any social interaction.
  5. lick sack Conservatives can't and liberals do...
  6. gee, now I wonder where Mattp's indignation is here. he once attacked me for some presumed veiled threat, and now we have a little 23-yr old snot-nosed brat making open threats. tsk tsk. get a life buddy - if you can't take the heat get outta the proverbial kitchen.
  7. there are plenty of conservative climbers out there... you know, like, those dozen or so items in the climber's code (FOTH)?
  8. lick sack
  9. It's 100% the other way around.
  10. I don't need to demean you; you do a fine job of it all by yourself.
  11. No thanks; I'll leave that to you.
  12. gee, that was tough to figure out
  13. Drove back from Canuckistan - rained almost the whole way.
  14. so "liberal" = "pot smoker"? how old are you? let me guess, 18-25?
  15. NASCAR is a conservative sport? Based on what? The South voting for Bush? They voted for Bubba too.
  16. I doubt it.
  17. I doubt it.
  18. the typical reaction I find, when they discover you are not in their "tribe" (as Jay so eloquently describes it) is to shut up immediately, followed by that oh-so-uncomfortable silence.
  19. It's $80/year now. They raised the rate by order of the federal government.
  20. EXACTLY! +1
  21. wow, the idiot convention on cc.com is in fine form tonight.
  22. Live by the sword, die by the sword, motherfucker!
  23. Attaching electrodes to tongue & testicles sounds more like a dirty game than a method of electrocution... don't they kill minks to make fur coats in a similar manner?
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