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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Give me a fucking break. You can do better than this.
  2. POTD
  3. [video:youtube]kMvfEdTUO6Q
  4. [video:youtube]mzPBk1p37Zw
  5. Where'd you get the pic of TTK?
  6. Turn off your TV... you'll be a lot happier.
  7. WTF are you talking about? You posted a video of Paul Gilbert. For tasty guitar licks - Richie Blackmore, Michael Schenker, Billy Gibbons, Jimmy Page, Clapton, and so on. For "shredding"... Mustaine does a good mix of melodic playing with shredding. The first Yngwie album (the rest don't even come close). A few Steve Vai albums. Satriani's first two. Etc.
  8. Come on dude....you are guitar player. Such a better topic than politics if you ask me. music is a language we all speak. That music is not inspiring. Sorry.
  9. *yawn*
  10. With Chode-boy at the front of the line...
  11. I was referring to his 2006 reelection campaign fuckwit.
  12. Is he sterile now? Darwin in action!
  13. If Lieberman had not run, a Democrat would have won his office, and would have voted for Barrycare as well.
  14. It's also true that just because you are exposed to an illness it is not 100% you will get it. Guess you should forgo the vaccination and "take a chance" (kind of like Russian Roulette). There's more to this than an individual's susceptibility to an illness. If the vaccine is effective for a large majority the laws of probability kick in and the spread of an illness is vastly reduced. If everyone is unvaccinated, it is easier to spread the illness and do so quickly. Is the smallpox vaccine 100% for all people? Because interestingly enough that illness was wiped off the planet thanks to the vaccine (except for a few government deep freezers...). And smallpox also requires booster shots for immunity.
  15. Once again, a little math: Pertussis vaccine is at best 90% effective. (CDC/WHO) Pertussis vaccine loses efficacy over time (CDC/WHO) So there is at least a 10% chance that you are not immune and could catch it. It also means that 1 in 10 children you come in contact with (higher if you consider that the vaccine may be only 85% effective, and that infants under 6 months are too young for the vaccine) are not immune. You could catch it and spread it to them, at Safeway for instance, increasing their chances of death. So when you make comments like this: it makes you sound uninformed. Parents who do not vaccinate their children are negligent. Period.
  16. Generally children and the elderly are more susceptible to such illnesses than adults, and could die. Moreover as the caretaker for a child (who can not make decisions for himself) it is negligent not to protect the child from a preventable, serious illness. If I don't get booster shots for myself, well, I am the one who will bear the brunt of that decision, should I get sick.
  17. Does anyone? You keep bringing this up - not sure why. Children who get pertussis suffer and risk death. It's preventable - why not do so? The only boosters that I recall having are for tetanus. I stepped on a fucking nail when I was 10 or 11 and got one, then needed another for a puncture wound around 20-22.
  18. More "intellectual" arguments/verbiage from Tranny-Tina.
  19. If only 55% of D's support it, it ain't gonna happen. Libtards can rip on the Tea party and R's all you want, but WTF is wrong with your own house that you have 45% against this?
  20. I like your new sig!
  21. Because some animals are more equal than others.
  22. well, they can "do whatever they fuck they want", after all!
  23. it's all Bush's fault.
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