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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. It would be nice if the federal, state, and local gov'ts all saved during times of plenty instead of spending every last dime... you know so they'd have cash on hand during the economic troughs.
  2. HOW'S THAT WORKIN' OUT FOR 'YA?? A lot better than your student loans.
  3. corporations don't pay taxes, fuckwit, the consumer does
  4. It's the TTK self-reply syndrome
  5. You can't squeeze blood from a stone.
  6. Who takes *you* seriously around here, prole?
  7. That's because anything other than direct quotes from Mao's Little Red Book look like that to you. All that the author of the above quote is doing is pointing out that the reason that most mainstream economists were so profoundly useless in the last crisis is that sometime around the mid-1940's they got lost in an idealized, purely mathematical meta-world that resembled a market economy about as much as "World of Warcraft" resembles the real world.
  8. It appears to be a term of endearment from j_b.
  9. how about get a life?
  10. PP is such a *thug*.
  11. i think you are missing the point. which is: if it wasn't for democrat's efforts, there would have been no shift in previous US military policy. dadt was a compromise. How come FDR didn't fix it? Or any Democrat administration or congressional majority over the past century prior to Bubba's first term?
  12. At least FW has posted a TR.
  13. So, what caused the damage? Gotta hear about this. :-)
  14. Umm, you realize watching TV is a choice don't you? indeed. dooooood, wether you watch commercials or not is pretty much THE litmus test of wether or not you're a retard. +1 commercials are for taking a leak, grabbing another beer, or getting some more chips/popcorn.
  15. How about a nice greasy pork sandwich, served on a dirty ashtray?
  16. You don't watch the Super Bowl?
  17. They are probably too busy focusing on NAMBLA's freedom of speech. Much more important.
  18. I know Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens is a friend of mine, you, j_b...
  19. I believe Kimmo has a taste for barley and peat...
  20. If you can afford to "retire" at age 50, you were not taxed enough, and have obviously cheated and screwed over those less fortunate than you. Cough it up.
  21. They'll cave again like the spineless worms that they are.
  22. Tax the fucker immediately. He needs to cough up his fair share.
  23. How could YOU tell. Or is it just the mirror that lies?
  24. Hmm - seem to remember something about being a chief technical officer of some concern or another and making enough money to quit working and "do whatever the fuck I want" being bandied about some time ago - but I don't care enough to bother searching for the said claims. You are correct Jay.
  25. 'bout as many baseballs you've managed i reckon just wanted to thank letsroll for contributing something that i could actually appreciate...ya'll can ge back to solving the worlds problems now prole... solve problems... you are funny, Ivan
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