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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. counting climbing shoes, how many pairs do YOU own? sickie ask him about his cycling outfits...
  2. fixed that for ya
  3. Turning introspective finally, eh? Good on you!
  4. Still waiting for the empirical truth to be determined. STFU you moron.
  5. Why are you concerned about your safety in Everett??
  6. Which "big city"?
  7. Hey, why don't you post some more political diatribes, complemented with a stream of your trademark, hackneyed "insults"...
  8. Let's meet and you can find out nan, that was a rhetorical question and your posturing just confirmed it, as if it were necessary. Much safer to talk shit behind your monitor, eh? Although it's not much stretch of the imagination to guess how fucking boring you would be in real life.
  9. How about on your yacht? Your treat.
  10. Let's meet and you can find out
  11. fixed that for ya i kinda wonder about the neighborhood you live in, with the nannies and the gardeners and the housekeepers etc. i'm kinda thinking this ain't the set most affected by the downturn, doncha think? Well, how did *you* interpret this original quote from j_b: "all the expenses incurred because there isn't a homemaker" What fucking expenses? I assumed he is talking about childcare (a nanny), house cleaning, etc.
  12. fixed that for ya What neighborhood do you live in? AD HOMINEM!!
  13. fixed that for ya
  14. Bullshit. People live beyond their means all the time - houses that are too expensive, cars they don't need, expensive vacations, etc.
  16. wow, man, you must be rich. obviously you have fucked over many many people less fortunate than you to get where you are. you need to pay much much more - it's only fair.
  17. and if your prop taxes were doubled, to 600/mo, that would not impact your lifestyle or savings at all? that additional 300 bucks is just completely "extra" and unnecessary?
  18. Liberals seem to think corporations are running insane and unfair profit margins. You can just raise taxes and all it does it take away chump change from greedy bastards making too much. Maybe the situation is a lot more like you are describing? Small businesses, anyone? Nah, just raise taxes on corps. Like I said you are making a different argument. I am saying if you tax enough, corporations will have pressure to raise prices and simply pass it on to the consumer. If that is not possible, well you could be fucking the business over leading them to cut jobs, or possibly go out of business. Running a loss every year doesn't work. Well, unless you can then secure a gov't bail-out. How long you willing to run a $300 a month loss?
  19. Source? BTW, if you think your taxes are too low, nothing is stopping you from voluntarily cutting a check to Washington DC or Olympia.
  20. Umm, yeah...
  21. You're making a different argument for not raising taxes - for small businesses. Nice job - you may actually become a republifuck eventually! Renting is a business and you do expect to make a profit eventually, right? I mean, if your costs are higher (raised taxes), you're honestly just gonna suck up the costs, and never pass it on to your renters? Not just now, but when the economy turns around?
  22. Landlords don't pay property taxes, tenants do. Exactly - double the landlord's property tax, and guess what happens to the rent for the tenants?
  23. Indeed, and in the meantime some shit that needs to get done stagnates.
  24. The voters are tired of the gov't constantly raising taxes instead of working the other end of the equation. When times get tough the avg. person can't just give themselves a pay increase, but that's what the gov't continually does through taxation. Why is it that the gov't needs proportionally more and more (larger percentage) of what the citizens produce? Seems to me there should be some sort of equilibrium level with very little variation over time. Instead we see an upwards trending slope.
  25. Sounds more like you.
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