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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I fixed that for you.
  2. "on" that? LOLZ
  3. Awesome. This one is almost as good as "audios". Grammatical and typographical errors are very different animals. I suggest you consult a dictionary to learn the difference. You might focus on the term "transposition error" in your quest for self-betterment.
  4. Huh? Can you get someone to proof-read your posts please?
  5. More spectacular grammar from our self-proclaimed "serious" debater.
  7. Where are you currently performing? Ever pick up your great equalizer, Mr. Small Hands?
  8. Why did you put "freedom lover" in quotes? Are you citing someone? And your definition of spray is what? Your personal soapbox for endless political diatribes?
  9. "Herrenvolk" - you're so clever. This is spray on a climbing site, not a debate club for 'serious' political discussion. If you want the latter, your best bet is to choose a different venue. BTW: check out the title of this thread "Fux" - yeah that smacks of rational reasonable "debate".
  10. Yes, you are so "substantive". Cut-and-paste a bunch of left-wing web-site drivel, throw in some hackneyed invective, and you get j_b.
  11. His insights are about as valuable as yours. With such a low bar, you'd think that you'd be able to outdo him. Sadly, that is not the case.
  12. LOL. Love that grammar!
  13. whatever you say, internet tough guy
  14. The point here is the hypocrisy of bannination for using a "misogynistic" term when other equally offensive insults and personal attacks are hurled regularly with no punishment. And if you read the rules of Spray post, pretty much everyone in spray is eligible for banning, including you. the point is you are a hypocrite who hurls insults and personal attacks at every turn to demonize those who say things you don't like, and then you whine when people occasionally return the favor. Laughable. Fucking whiner. I hope everyone here enjoys the delicious irony of having j_b respond in the manner above.
  15. The point here is the hypocrisy of bannination for using a "misogynistic" term when other equally offensive insults and personal attacks are hurled regularly with no punishment. And if you read the rules of Spray post, pretty much everyone in spray is eligible for banning, including you.
  16. cock sucking? Why do you have to challenge his sexuality? And also, why are you using gay sex as a perjorative? I hope you get a 24-hour ban.
  17. meaning we/they have not seen violence?
  18. all I read was warm cock Par for the course from you.
  19. j_b climb? LOL!
  20. YES!! Keep it up Bill!
  21. Amen to that Doug. RIP, Gary.
  22. Do you read these links? How do you not just vomit in a pile of your own bile? Yeah, listening to dumbshit libtards definitely makes one want to vomit.
  23. [video:youtube]j_7iRZzlSzI
  24. What are you going to have engraved on your hand-gun for your scary excursions onto the streets of Everett, the Baghdad of the PNW, Prole?
  25. Yeah, "proof positive" that (the majority) of our military volunteers do so to partake in a holy war and kill muslims. Any flimsy "evidence"/excuse to prop up liberal moral relativism and self-hate.
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