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Everything posted by Camilo

  1. Camilo

    What's up in Olympia?

    That's funny. It reminded me of a question I had around election time regarding farm subsidies, republicans, and fiscal conservation. I asked here but got no good answers, so I used google. It's a simple statistic, but many red states spend more federal money than they give. Many blue states give more than they spend. See the link or google "donor states beggar states". On the other hand, mild props to Bush for including subsidies in his budget cuts.
  2. Camilo


    Dru's works well. Don't need to bother with "site:" though, since just "cascadeclimbers" and your search words works fine. If you want to use the search function here, it's visible from the entrance page.
  3. I read this late and you might've already paid . . . but if you're going to pay you might as well include a picture of both of your headlights on, with your license plate clearly visible. It's worth the chance that they'll give you a break knowing you're from out of the country and fixed the problem.
  4. Tallac it was. . . and it was great! Skied there Monday and Tuesday. I'll post pictures later. Thanks for all the tips. I got a call from my friend saying that Tues. night (after I left), the areas got almost a foot and they skied the next two days at Squaw. Also, they're active Air Force so they didn't have to pay for tickets. If you're missing good snow, it's a cheap flight to Reno, $130 on Southwest.
  5. Camilo


    If a helmet has an EPS liner, it can be compromised without cracks showing. If your helmet takes a good impact, you're supposed to retire it. I don't know about the CE and UIAA standard tests, but the bike helmet tests (ANSI and SNELL) only certify for single impacts. Just a thought.
  6. Camilo

    For Camilo

    Glacier, did you notice my avatar pic? By the way, that record is pretty damn sweet listening. All of Herb Alpert's are.
  7. Sorry Glacier, but here goes your heart. Post
  8. Sorry folks, but it's not looking good for our glaciers. From CNN: NEW YORK (Reuters) -- A weak El Nino and human-made greenhouse gases could make 2005 the warmest year since records started being kept in the late 1800s, NASA scientists said this week. While climate events like El Nino -- when warm water spreads over much of the tropical Pacific Ocean --affect global temperatures, the increasing role of human-made pollutants plays a big part. "There has been a strong warming trend over the past 30 years, a trend that has been shown to be due primarily to increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere," said James Hansen of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, based in New York. The warmest year on record was 1998, with 2002 and 2003 coming in second and third, respectively. Short-term factors like large volcanic eruptions that launched tiny particles of sulfuric acid into the upper atmosphere in 1963, 1982 and 1991 can change climates for periods ranging from months to a few years. Last year was the the fourth-warmest recorded, with a global mean temperature of 57 degrees Fahrenheit (14 Celsius), which was about 1.5 degrees warmer than the middle of the century, NASA scientist Drew Shindell said in an interview. Average temperatures taken from land and surfaces of the oceans showed 2004 was 0.86 degrees Fahrenheit (0.48 Celsius) above the average temperature from 1951 to 1980, according to Hansen. The spike in global temperatures in 1998 was associated with one of the strongest El Ninos of recent centuries and a weak El Nino contributed to the unusually high global temperatures in 2002 and 2003, NASA said. Carbon dioxide, emitted by autos, industry and utilities, is the most common greenhouse gas. Hansen also said that the Earth's surface now absorbs more of the sun's energy than gets reflected back to space. That extra energy, together with a weak El Nino, is expected to make 2005 warmer than 2003 and 2004 and perhaps even warmer than 1998, which had stood out as far hotter than any year in the preceding century, NASA said in a statement. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said on Thursday the current weak El Nino will diminish and end during the next three months.
  9. Wow it's fun to make broad generalizations using two examples.
  10. I have a really annoying song stuck in my head now.
  11. It would probably fit you perfectly. The front derailleur broke. If you're in town on Sat, let me know. I'm heading out on Sunday morning. I can meet you pretty much anywhere. I just sent you a PM.
  12. Where are you? My girlfriend is thinking of selling her bike, and I'm fixing it up? I'm in Portland. If you're in town you can take it for a ride. It would cost <$200
  13. Camilo

    Hey Fairweather

    I don't have anything against Ascensionist, and I didn't intend this to be an anti-Ascensionist thread. Just a "Fairweather, why do you always talk shit about people here over there?" thread.
  14. Camilo

    Hey Fairweather

    Why do you sling so much shit about people here on Ascensionist? You're not banned here, you can discuss here. I also like how you talk about preaching to the choir. You sound like a little bitch. P.S. I am a little bitch, so this is not an invitation for you to fight me. I'm just wondering what your deal is.
  15. Camilo

    Bush Budget

    You jackass . . . that comes out of petty cash
  16. So, I'm off to Tahoe with some friends in a couple of weeks. Only three days but no plans other than skiing. Probably one day in resorts and two days backcountry. . . or all three days backcountry. Any suggestions? We're wide open right now where to go. We're probably staying in Tahoe City. Anyone in Portland have a backcountry ski Tahoe book they want to lend me? Thanks in advance.
  17. Climb Max in Portland has theirs for $110 or so. Their website too, Pagangear.com, you pay shipping. It's pretty much the same as the Metolius pad.
  18. It was a perfect weekend at Smith! It was cool meeting everyone there. I only got one picture off, of Mike Layton and Skyclimb. Not captured was Skyclimb's filthy mouth spouting obscenities the whole way up
  19. Anybody need a ride from PDX? I'm leaving at around 8 tonight. PM me, I'll check at 7.
  20. I think Jay is talking about another rescue where the rescued climber did start spouting about what a bad ass he was. Ahhhhh! It took a while, but I found it. 2 percenter
  21. Camilo

    Irie Ites

    I've got a couple of the Trojan box sets that DFA was talking about on LP I might be able to burn to a CD for you if you want to check it out. And I second the Ethiopians recommendation.
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