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Everything posted by TrogdortheBurninator

  1. GPS elevation works poorly with only 3 satellites due to the error in vertical triangulation. WIth many satellites registering, the accuracy increases significantly. With a clear sky, I will trust GPS way more than barometric because barometric pressure is always changing slightly from the time that you calibrated. I would guess that snowpack could be somewhat of an issue too when you are that close to a benchmark elevation.
  2. I bought a house last week. IT basically comes down to how long you plan to stay there and how low an interest rate you can get. Prices in general are really high right now, but apparently seattle is not one of the main bubble markets (ie SF) and it is unlikely prices will fall here (although there is the possibility that appreciation will slow down). Inventory is way down right now, so depending on your price range, you may have limited options. We were buying in the lower price range, and really couldn't afford any of the N. Seattle Neighborhoods that we really liked. We ended up finding a very nice townhouse in an OK part of lake city.
  3. So I clicked this link expecting a climbing site, but it is actually a tactical site named after climbing. http://www.order-gear.com/511store.asp About 5.11 Tactical 5.11 Tactical was developed in 1968 built on a foundation of durability, functionality and quality. 5.11 is a difficulty level in the Yosemite Decimal rating scale for rock climbing. With skill levels ranging from 5.0 (easy) to 5.10 (difficult); 5.11 is the most difficult. 5.11 is defined as this, After thorough inspection, you conclude this move is impossible; however, occasionally someone actually accomplishes it.
  4. Nice work, sounds like an awesome weekend. To fix the photos, make sure you are linking to the full size image, and not the smaller image. That should fix things.
  5. You mean N. Buttress couloir, right? NE Buttress couloir is used synonymously with NE couloir AFAIK. See rest of thread for detail.
  6. Nice work. Try getting rid of the "?v=0" at the end of the name
  7. I was thinking the same thing a few months back. I think it is a great idea. I don't think a new website is necessary, it could just use a new forum, or even make use of the partners forum. I think a standard mileage/payment is a good idea to stream line things. Basically people could just post a thread about where they're climbing and how many seats they have, when they are leaving/returning. Given current gas prices it makes a lot of sense.
  8. Ball Room regardless of weather is good for me.
  9. I think Uli needs to learn to clarify his units of measure. Clearly 100 imperial starships is a lot further than 100 tie fighters.
  10. Glad you're OK. Sounds like a pretty big/scary fall where things could easily have been worse. Good luck on a fast recovery.
  11. Amazonians eat pirates for breakfast
  12. http://www.careerbuilder.com/monk-e-mail/?mid=7663358
  13. Sorry, the Chagga hoodie just sold last week. I will update the original post later today to reflect what I still have. I definitely still have rain pants.
  14. I bet this guy knows about spirit
  15. I like Welches. Yum!!
  16. TrogdortheBurninator


  17. If rocks are pirated, only pirates will climb rocks
  18. We even have our own video:
  19. I feel bad for Brett. I think we were all kind of cruel to him. He just wanted sincerity. All readers must vote.
  20. My real name is "Smilin' Benjamin Blythe" but my avatar is "Cap'n Bobby Leadhead"
  21. If ye be goin' t' post, better translate first http://www.talklikeapirate.com/translator.html
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