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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. Just remember to use the phrase, "Unique low profile look"
  2. Kitergal


    I think the next pub club...should be a version of the dating game!! need 3 single male volunteers and a single women....then three single women volunteers and a male! sooo..that's 4 single men, and 4 single women total!! The rest of us can be the active audience!! PM me if your interested!! I'll take the first 4 single's from each sex!! no..I'm not serious...but I think this could be seriously fun if we all get drunk enough!! anyone wanna help me think of questions?? try to make them climbing related and DIRTY!! FUN!! PM me if interested!!
  3. I hate wearing my seat belt...HATE IT! I do it on occasion, like when I know I'm going to be passing pig pens, etc...but otherwise..it's my life...don't try and CONTROL IT!! SEATBELTS SUCK!! besides...they make your boob look weird...I'm never sure if I'm supposed to wear it over or under or across the boob..either way..it's a PAIN IN MY BOOB!! Or ass...what-ever...
  4. I'm confused...he looks ultra comfy...but my climbing shoes...aren't exactly comfy....are those really climbing shoes? what's with the "Cafeine" messenger bag? dood...is this for reals??
  5. Kitergal


    hmm..we'll all take note of that. consider you in the "other" category of our minds...
  6. Kitergal


    not so worried about me...but just trying to get better grips on the demographics of the site...you know, trying to help out the owners!! For marketing reasons...yeah yeah..that's it!! Thanks for think'in of me though!! I promise I'll publish the results!!
  7. Kitergal


    So, ever wonder if there's more single or married folks on CC? I do! Please be honest!! This is a totally scientific survey...which has the potential to increase/decrease pub club attendance!!
  8. OMFG!! Someone has some time on their hands!! THAT IS FREAK'IN HILLARIOUS!! LOVE IT!
  9. K. ladies..saw this yesterday....NEED to find where to buy! I want one!! "You call me Bitch, like it's a bad thing"
  10. Kitergal

    Summer. Fuckineh.

    WOW! that is a really small bikini bottom....YIKES!
  11. Kitergal

    Dirtbag no more

    I LOVE THAT SHIRT!! I got a tank top made of it, and wore it to Leavenworth two weeks ago!! Got a ton of compliments and quite a few drinks bought for me!!
  12. I bet their already sold out! The good news is, 1/2 are reservations, and 1/2 are lottery the day of. If you plan on going mid week...you'll have a GREAT chance at the lottery...if you're planning on going during a weekend....umm....good luck!!
  13. That is a great question...I have no idea!! Anyone??
  14. dood..the cops in my area are completely worthless. I've had the sails stolen of my sailboat, and a wallet left behind. The cops said it had to be a set up..no one's dumb enough to leave a wallet behind. Yup, got the license plate, a picture of the jeep, etc. I did call the cops...they stated they'd increase thier patrols of the neighborhood. what a joke!! They did get taken care of though.....
  15. "there are a lot of cool people to climb," AMEN TO THAT!! why are so many rock climbers, hard body hotties!! Yeah..some of those guys I'm like..I want to climb all over you like a jungle gym!! hee hee sorry...Couldn't resist!!
  16. nevermind..it's too late! boo hiss..
  17. not on a team..but is it too late to start one??
  18. like hotels? the Enzian is like a 4 or 5 star joint..super nice...kinda annoying when the dude gets on the roof and blows his horn first thing in the morning...some call it charming....I call it annoying. Sleeping Lady lodge is awesome..but I'm not sure if they rent out individual rooms or not..I've just done corporate retreats there. Otherwise camping is always fun! 8 mile campsite, the campsite right below the bridge to stuart lake trailhead is fun...hmm...that's about all I know of the area.
  19. Guns do make you safe. I have a gun, I took safety courses, and I know how to use it. I've never once shot it, and I've only pulled it out once. I live by myself, out in the boonies, and these bastards come up to my door, in a big ol scarey looking jeep. I was upstairs, it was summer, I looked out my window and asked how I could help them. They asked me where my husband was. I lied, I'm not married, but I was getting a really icky feeling about the situation so I said he ran to the lumber store. They they proceeded to try and break down my door. I asked them what they wanted. They smiled...and continued to try to break in my house. I told them I'd make it easier on them...give me a minute and I'd open the door for them. Meanwhile..I go get my gun, under my bed....and they start yelling for me to get my ass out there..bla bla bla. I poke my head out and ask them one last time..what they wanted...they replied..what the hell took you so long, and why wasn't I down unlocking the door. I said..what took me so long? I pointed the gun at them and said...I always call the cops before I shoot someone.... They got the hell out of my property so fast. I've never had any problems since then. so I believe guns original purpose was for food...back in the day, then safety, and I still use mine for safety. But I also know that there are some idiots out in this world that abuse any power they have.
  20. Mount Rainier now accepting comments on Camp Muir Planning Process Key questions the park would like public input on: 1. How should the park best modify existing uses of structures or provided new structures at Camp Muir to fulfill the intent of the Commercial Services Plan in providing a variety of guided climbing visitor experiences? 2. How should structures at Camp Muir serve day use visitors? 3. Should there be separation at Camp Muir between guided public visitors and independent public visitors? 4. Should the public, guides and clients sleep in built structures or in tents? 5. Should cooking shelters be provided at Camp Muir to reduce potential hazards associated with visitors sleeping and cooking in the same structure during inclement weather? 6. How can the park provide better information o Camp Muir visitors to ensure they are informed of potentially hazardous conditions during inclement weather? 7. Can multiple concessionaires share the same facilities or should separate facilities be provided for each concessionaire? 8. If new structures are to be built at Camp Muir should they e for the public or for concessionaires? 9. Should potable drinking water that meets WA State Public Health Department/EPA “Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule” be available to concessionaires’ guides and clients? Submit your comments in writing no later than June 15, 2005 to: Superintendent, Mount Rainier National Park, Tahoma Woods, Star Route, Ashford WA 98304 OR VIA EMAIL to donna_rahier@nps.gov.
  21. ok. your right..that site sux. You used to be able to get around it...but I guess not now. sorry man. SUX
  22. very bottom of the log in...there should be an option?? (Small print of course!)
  23. btw...you actually have to copy and paste the link in...if you click on it, it will try and make you sign in. which you don't need to do!! if you copy and paste the link...really small type under the sign in section you can click on view without signing in!
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