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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. Kitergal

    Fun New Game!

    wow...we had a big housecat thread...now we're having a thread on their toys??
  2. wish i would have read this advice before!! my head is pounding.....I feel icky...
  3. k. heading to mccormicks for happy hour with some girlfriends! Hope ya'all celebrate for me on your own!! Faster than you...do you have a cake 'cause it's your birthday too?? NICE!! Happy Birthday!!
  4. dood..I WOULD LOVE to be a teacher...but I couldn't live off of their salaries! Hopefully I find myself marrying a sugar daddy, so I can quit my high paying job and teach! Then I'd have summers off and the money to do something with my time off! Ivan- Good for you for teaching! It takes a brave person with a lot of patience to teach these rowdy yung-uns. Barjor- I'm with you! I'd take a little less money for more vacation time any day!!
  5. Thanks Sno!! Who wants to go drink'in with me?? Anytime (before 8pm, I have to pick a friend up at the airport at 8pm) anyplace (downtown seattle to the sea-tac airport preferably) YEAH!! It's my last year in my 20's!! My last year to act like a wild crazy 20-something!! ohh yeah!!
  6. I dunno..but what-ever he's drinking looks good...yup...I think it's time to drink...ciao!
  7. Does this mean I get to go home early again?? Nah..it's raining out...I'll put in a couple of extra hours in the office on days like today!!
  8. The name of the cereal is "Good Friends" WTF kind of cereal is that??
  9. ohh..to be a man and have this problem!! How many women do you hear crying because they can't gain weight?? This is just sick...SICK I say!!
  10. Kitergal

    bomb threat

    ohh..and thanks Dr. C!!
  11. Kitergal

    bomb threat

    dood..how'd I get a cake by my name?? That's a pretty freak'in sweet feature here at the CC world...I love you guys!! YEAH for me!!
  12. good education on more than just climbing!!
  13. Kitergal

    bomb threat

    Thanks girlfriend!! I'm gonna try!!
  14. Kitergal

    bomb threat

    Thanks Snoboy! You guys rock!!
  15. Yup..I agree with TLG. I'm actually some-what wussie when I'm by myself. But with others I act all brave and strong. I'm definately less of a risk taker when I'm solo.
  16. btw...did I mention it'll be my birthday at MIDNIGHT tonight! Yup...I'll be fiesta-ing birthday style!!
  17. Hey, my buddy is one of the 128 (I'm sure this is a HUGE exageration) bongo drum players that is going to be there tonight! They're starting to play at 3pm. If there's wind, I'll be kite-boarding with the crew until dark, and drinking until it's light! Soo..See ya all there tonight!! -M
  18. Kitergal

    bomb threat

    in the federal court building 7th and Stewart! I work in the building next door...we all get to go home! YEAH!! The wack job picked a beautiful day to clear out 4 city blocks!!
  19. seriously! Anytime...just PM ahead of time for directions!!
  20. If anyone ever runs into problems camping...PM me for directions to my property. I have a small lot right outside the park entrance (less than 1/2 mile away). It's perfect for camping, and it has power/sewer hook-ups for RV's. I'm planning on putting a little cabin on it..once I have the funds..but as of now, its an empty lot, and I'd love to have people stay on it! It would actually help me out having people up there, since my neighbors keep trying to move the property lines over! (Not their fault..I'm just never up there, so they think it's a vacant lot!) -M
  21. TLG...umm is this what you do on saturday nights?? Girlfriend...I gotta worry about you!!
  22. pick'in up a theme here jmace.....
  23. Kitergal

    New Contest!!!!

    hate you...
  24. Kitergal

    New Contest!!!!

    ya...work'in real hard aren't ya Dru!!
  25. yeah, I'm think'in of holding my meeting off site!! yeah! have a good weekend ya'all!!
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