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Everything posted by Stemalot

  1. hahaha, good one! just might give me a nightmare!
  2. dig it up dig it up!!!
  3. well, at least I got some big pieces of muscovite from the place...maybe with fire, it could create bigger pieces.
  4. yeah! burn that entire place to hell!
  5. Stemalot

    Drunk Bear

    wonder if a bear is smart enough to learn how to make bear...
  6. use Fuji film or Fuji slides - Fuji Sensia is a great consumer level slide. It's the best slide film for the money. Use ISO 100. If you want your photos in digital format, just get a digital camera. You are not going to be able to tell prints from digi cams or prints from film or slide. Unless you increase the size of your print photos to like billboard size, you are better off with a digi cam.
  7. yeah, I received their emails along with the attachment. So does this mean if I need biking or skiing or boarding stuff I need to go to NVan? BTW, I went down to MEC on Sat and saw the Fall catalogue (will be in mail in a few weeks). Much much better than the summer one. But the cover looks like it was done up by some cheezy coast mountain sports employee...so commercial...I stated my outrage to Brent Palmer who was collecting member opinion on the floor that day.
  8. "I don't think Kerry's ready to be president," said Laura Weber, a 37-year-old Republican from Pierre, S.D. "Bush would be more decisive." what the hell does that mean anyway? "more decisive"? more decisive is the reason why we have people dying everyday in Iraq! decisive...more like impulsive
  9. tasty...
  10. from where we parked our Jeep, we were able to follow the logging road then follow a rocky creek bed and get on the drainage slab...all about 1 km maybe less. like I said...NO BUSH!
  11. ...in the process of clearing up the history of this area...
  12. hum...I should really change the post. the face is NOT 1200 meters. it's about half of that. I should have stated more clearly that the drainage approach itself is all on slab all the way to the base of the face. I apologize for not being clear on this.
  13. Climb: Stonerabbit Peak-Southeast Face Date of Climb: 8/1/2004 Trip Report: What do you call 1,200+ meters of bush free, loose rock free, and lichen free big wide open slab scrambling? Base of Stonerabbit's southeast face. Go ahead...scramble and climb straight up! Reinhard going solo. 1000 meters of air from the summit of Stonerabbit A little summit bouldering on the Rabbit. We called our route Rabbit's Coat. Gear Notes: Food, water, rock shoes, and tranquilizer if you get nervous on big slabby face. Approach Notes: Chehalis FSR, Skwellepil road
  14. "we must teach them to recognize the truth of the Word of the Lord so as to break the cycle of Evolutionism dogma that is paralyzing scientific development..." Unreal... what scientific development are these people talking about?
  15. women were tough back then... putting up with all the socially constructed of what "females should be like" garbage, they still went mountaineering.
  16. it doesn't matter...I thought it was a different group. I do apologize for going off topic.
  17. Do tell us how you have offended the Wednesday club people. We like good stories here.
  18. Stemalot


    where can I find this new documentary?
  19. that is funny as hell!
  20. MEC sells overgoggles...according to spray master Dru they are dark enough for glacier walking. This is probably the cheapest solution for your friend. Best long term solution is prescription glasses. However, if the prescription is too strong, your friend might be stuck with overgoggles.
  21. TNG and Voyager are the best in terms of story, characters, and imaginative. I am not a Trekky, but the ideology is fascinating and admirable. I also like SG-1...one of the better sci-fi tv shows out there. Man that Amanda Tapping is hot...and so is that Jeri Ryan! Beautiful women with brains, can't beat that.
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