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Everything posted by Stemalot

  1. Not fair! there's gotta be other initiation climbs other than Shannon Falls!
  2. hahaha, come on... I wasn't totalled by that time. I was when I got back to the car though. But, I had a great time. Thanks for putting up with my slowness and stupid crampons! Nicely made topo map Dru. I don't have a topo of our route. I just have zoomed in photo of it taken from across the valley. http://harng.com/TripPhotos/photo2.jpg
  3. Imaginary name for unclimbed routes!
  4. the Canmore ice fest this year is on 3-6 march http://www.canmoreiceclimbingfestival.com/cicf2005/index.htm with any luck at work, I like to go out to the Rockies again this season for some cold weather.
  5. Stemalot


    never fails to amaze and entertain me at how stupid some people are....
  6. who cares...that roadside bluff is boring some parts were pretty solid but kinda mushroomy, and that slab is still running with a ton of water. never seen it not running water though.
  7. yeah...I could of called myself Stevealot. But I don't know what that stands for... As for the Cumbres, they fit me superbly! I have high arches and the only problem I find with the Cumbres is that they lace up a bit too tight on top of my feet. Toes are never a problem for me, neither is iceing up at the end of the day. I've tried the Freneys but they are a terrible fit for me. I don't think anyone is made to sit in an office from 9-5... glad I have a job that's pretty flexible. you gonna compete in the Canmore ice fest?
  8. Rampart was good. Got to see a lot of stuff. Wasn't a bad trip for me as it is my first trip to the Rockies in winter. Climbed a couple of good routes too. It wasn't that cold. But I just need plastic boots to avoid loosing toes! Dru and I needed to drive back down anyways so we figured we might as well drive to Lillooet and check out the condition there sooner rather than later. Did you quite your job, Janez?
  9. that's so true...
  10. this reads like a bad translation!
  11. on which side of the canyon?
  12. the suffering...the quicker I get the climb done, the quicker the pain will go away
  13. check out this video, it's hilarious! http://www.big-boys.com/articles/topdui.html
  14. good luck with that! I think the best way is to get dropped off by a chopper.
  15. yes...I skid into a ditch today just out side of Abbostford. Highway condition was kinda like the ice rink Icefield Parkway I drove a week ago! I was changing lanes and hit a icy spot with lots of slushy. Did a 180 and ended up on the left side of the highway with passenger side in a deep ditch and high centred the entire vehicle. Got a tow truck out in 45 min (surprisingly fast considering how many accidents were out there) and cost me $160 for a 3 min. tow job. Jeep sustained minimal damage...cracked front bumper and the rear bumper along with attaching panel was pushed in a bit. No visible scratches! I continued to drive to Dru's house and there were no other incidents. We decided that neither of us want to drive, so I made a detour to Harrison Lake area on the way home and found lots of ice forming on the side of the road but some sections have more water then ice. You can climb it if you want, but the wind was blowing REALLY hard! Because it was gushing water pretty good, I didn't proceed any further than just the road side climbs. It was a shitty day to be out driving for sure...and an expensive one at that.
  16. no no no, Jordop...this is EC!
  17. Stemalot


    Just read this online... http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/2004/12/26/quake041226.html
  18. Stemalot

    I'm Gonzo

    Good or bad???
  19. nice work...now you gonna post this on bivouac?
  20. just spend $180 on some stupid damn stablizer bars on my jeep...all that Chehalis road and the rest of BC's backcountry truck killer roads...I volunteer you drive the next time we have a trip jordop. hehe
  21. if your computer is fast, you won't feel the slow down with Norton. actually, I've never had an issue with Norton slowing down my computer...slow or fast cpu. from my experience, Norton seems to catch more bugs than McAfee.
  22. Its political with the wife and too long to discuss. that's ok, we are all here...we have time to listen to you.
  23. Stemalot

    Who else

    I never treat my water. I was in Taiwan for a mouth and I didn't treat water there either. I am still alive.
  24. yes, this weather sucks big time...can't ice climb and can't go skiing on the local mountains... too bad you live out in the Wack... if you lived closer to Van you could go to Cliffhanger in Coquitlam. lots of Prana top hotties there! they'll help you climb harder
  25. Stemalot


    That's a great little funny story. I like your writing style as well. Well written.
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